Chapter 690

Those who stopped before did not catch up with them again.

Su Xiaolu looked back, the ten people left behind did not speak, they closed their eyes and rested.

An hour later, there was a deafening 'boom' sound from the depths of the foreign land.

Su Xiaolu and the others felt the sound of the air being shaken, and Su Xiaolu felt as if his ears could not hear all of a sudden, very swollen and uncomfortable.

Immediately afterwards, the earth shook and the mountains shook.

Su Xiaolu and the others staggered to and fro, and barely stabilized their figure.

But the more terrifying thing is yet to come.

The ground is cracked, with many, many fissures, some shallow and some very deep.

These cracks are not fixed, some are getting bigger and bigger, and some are quickly filled again.

"Retreat outside..."

Zhou Zhi gave the order calmly, and they still felt such a big movement, it's hard to imagine what terrible situation those people who have been left behind for a whole day will face.

Everyone's footsteps were unsteady, but they tried their best to continue to retreat.

In desperation, Su Xiaolu dragged Old Man Wu to carry him on his back, and Guiyou stood by her side to protect her.

At this time, Su Xiaolu no longer cared about anyone else, all he could do was move forward, run a little further, and run a little further.

There are many beasts running for their lives all around. At this time, no matter whether they are fierce or harmless, no one cares about the other.

After all, humans are not as stable as beasts, and those beasts soon disappeared.

Chu Jin struggled to avoid a big crack, he patted his chest and gasped for breath with lingering fear: "His grandma's, I scared the young master to death, almost thought he was going to die."

Hu Changshou's voice sounded weakly from behind him: "Young Master Chu, please put me down, so that you can go faster."

Hu Changshou watched many trees fall, he knew it was too dangerous at this time, Chu Jin was carrying him on his back, it was a burden.

Before Chu Jin could speak, Hu Changshou said again: "Master Chu, I have earned enough to live to this day. Since I entered the mountain, I have earned money every day of my life."

There are many dangers in foreign lands, and he enters alone, earning money every day.

Hu Changshou was very calm in his heart. His only regret was probably not being able to comprehend what Su Xiaolu said, and he felt a little ashamed of her.

Other than that, there is nothing else, but he believes that this is his destiny.

He is not unwilling, he has obtained a lot, and now is the time for him to accept his fate calmly.

Chu Jin chuckled, and said boldly: "It was so dangerous just now, maybe I escaped by carrying you on my back, and I will not let you go. You also said that you have made money since you entered the mountain. How do you know? You won't win to the end?"

"Hu Changshou, don't underestimate God's preference, even if it's just a little bit. If you have this skill, why don't you help me see the way and remind me more, let's help each other and get out alive."

Chu Jin would not let Hu Changshou go, just as Hu Changshou said, he has been making money since he entered the mountain.

He came in alone, had an accident, and it can be said that he was unscathed. This kind of luck is not something ordinary people can have.

Some things, the authorities are confused by the bystanders.

The ancients always said that when you meet a noble person, you get help, but he doesn't think so. Meeting a noble person is actually mutual help.

Chu Jin didn't put Hu Changshou down, and continued to look at the road after a few words.

Hu Changshou didn't say any more, he was on Chu Jin's back, so he didn't have to worry about his feet, so he had more energy to observe his surroundings.

Chu Jin didn't give up on him, nor should he give up on himself.

He will lock on a safer place and remind Chu Jin to move closer there.

After running and fleeing for two hours, the movement of Dilong turning over disappeared.

No one was injured, but injuries were inevitable.

Everyone's face was pale, and they took the elixir and poured it.

After Su Xiaolu took the elixir, she searched for Zhou Zhi, and she was relieved to see that he was well. She found Chu Jin's figure, and seeing that he was still with Hu Changshou, Su Xiaolu breathed a sigh of relief and was very grateful.

After a pause, he continued on his way out.

Then there were still several earthquakes, but each time was smaller than the last time. The further you go, the safer you will be. Su Xiaolu felt relieved.

When it could be seen from a distance that Bai Wu would only need half a day to leave the foreign land, and the movement of the dragon turning over was only a few tremors, Zhou Zhi ordered to rest on the spot.

Everyone sat down to rest, and there was almost no suppression at this time.

The beasts they met no longer panicked and ran away. They lit some fires and roasted them, so that everyone could have a good meal and rest.

The nerves that had been tense for several days finally relaxed.

Guiyou gave the roasted rabbit legs to Su Xiaolu: "Girl, eat more."

Rabbits in ancient times were somewhat different. They were bigger, and their flesh was firmer and more tender. Of course, their ability to bounce and kick their legs was also stronger. The strength was so great that it could break a tree with the thickness of a wrist.

If an ordinary person is kicked, several bones will be broken.

At this time, even if it was a rabbit baked by a poor cook, Su Xiaolu still ate it with relish, and the mushy parts felt very delicious after eating.

It smells like caramel.

After eating and drinking, old man Wu and Guiyou closed their eyes and fell asleep.

Su Xiaolu was also sleepy, but she went to see Zhou Zhi first to get his pulse.

Zhou Zhi smiled gently and said in a low voice, "Xiaolu, I'm fine, go to bed soon."

Zhou Zhi's pulse is a little weak. He is flawed. When he is suppressed and his wood-type abilities are difficult to use, he will be stronger than all others.

Everyone is tired.

Su Xiaolu smelled a faint smell of blood, and she asked concerned: "Is fourth brother injured? I smell blood."

Zhou Zhi shook his head: "I don't, it should be the smell of their injuries."

Su Xiaolu didn't see where Zhou Zhi was injured, she got up and said, "Then fourth brother, rest well, I'll go and see my cousin."

Hu Changshou is also someone she cares about.

Zhou Zhi nodded and smiled at Su Xiaolu.

Su Xiaolu turned around and walked to Chu Jin, who was already asleep.

Hu Changshou fell asleep beside him, and it was safe now that Chu Jin released Hu Changshou from his side.

"Fawn, don't worry about me, I'm fine."

When Hu Changshou saw Su Xiaolu, he smiled slightly at Su Xiaolu and said.

The road to escape was dangerous, but Chu Jin was agile, and they cooperated very well. He concentrated on choosing the route, and Chu Jin was also assured of all the routes he chose. The two performed their duties, so he survived again.

Su Xiaolu felt Hu Changshou's pulse, she smiled and said, "The pulse is stable and unobstructed, so I can rest assured."

"I won't be leaving now, so take a good rest."

Su Xiaolu withdrew her hand and said with a smile to Hu Changshou.

Hu Changshou nodded: "You too."

Su Xiaolu got up and went back to the two masters and sat down against a tree to rest.

Everyone was resting, Hu Changshou sighed lightly, he rang Baixu, and the dragon turned around in a foreign land, I don't know what happened to Miss Baixu, and whether she got out safely.

He has no affection for Baixu, he thinks he and Baixu are very similar, they are both people who don't understand.

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