Chapter 789: Most Suspected

Chapter 789 Most Suspected

Jiang Zhengjun frowned, he didn't care about Mrs. Qiu, but endured it, he waved and ordered: "Take it away."

Naturally, Qiu Ran's body had to be taken away for an autopsy.

Mrs. Qiu jumped directly on it, frantically stopped: "I don't allow you to take my daughter away, I don't allow it."

Under the tug, the white cloth was torn away, and Su Xiaolu saw the faded beautiful face, the real Qiu Ran, with her eyes still wide open, and the expression on her face was still full of fear and disbelief.

The mouth is also opened into a circle, the chest, even a piece of clothing is gone, the chest cavity is sinking, it is empty inside, and the internal medicine is gone.

Mrs. Qiu sensed her daughter's broken body, and cried out in grief. She was out of breath for a while, and passed out.

Seeing that Mrs. Qiu was unconscious, Jiang Zhengjun waved his hand and asked his subordinates to take this opportunity to take away Qiu Ran's body.

Master Qiu stopped him again, and his tone was painful: "Everyone, my daughter has already died. The monster killed people in a cruel and disorderly way, just to eat up the inner mansion. What happened to the corpses of the previous people? My daughter is similar. Don't let my daughter suffer any more, let her rest in peace."

"Instead of continuing to waste time on my daughter, it's better to find out who the monster's next target is. I will never let you take my daughter away."

Master Qiu was firm in his grief, his daughter is already like this, the matter has come to an end, it is useless to say anything, and it hurts him even more to let these people move around on his daughter's body.

Master Qiu didn't cooperate, Jiang Zhengjun frowned, his heart was full of anger, his already bad mood was even worse at this moment, Master Qiu didn't cooperate with his arrangement at all, on the surface he said that he would cooperate, but in fact he was hiding something.

Jiang Zhengjun said angrily, "Master Qiu, if you had listened to my arrangements today, this tragedy might not have happened tonight."

They protected Qiu Ran, who was pretending to be a servant girl, with more than a dozen layers of vigilance inside and outside the yard. As a result, the real Qiu Ran was accompanied only by Mrs. Qiu, not even a maid. It is really exasperating to be able to display it.

Now that the autopsy is going to be done, Mr. Qiu and Mrs. Qiu are still trying to stop him in every possible way. This is undoubtedly suffocating, and it makes people feel uncomfortable.

"You can say whatever you want. My daughter has died. It's useless to say anything now. My daughter is dead. I just want her to be buried as soon as possible, and I don't want anything else."

Master Qiu was disheartened, he had no intention of arguing, what's the use of talking about it, people are gone.

As for whether the monster can be caught or not, it has nothing to do with whose life it will kill in the future.


Jiang Zhengjun gritted his teeth, waved and ordered to leave.

Su Xiaolu and Fayin Fayue also left.

The entire city was guarded, and many soldiers and horses were added to patrol and search.

One is to search the hiding place of the monster, and the other is to find out who the monster's next target is.

Isn't he arrogant, then follow the goal he gave to protect it.

Su Xiaolu had fought the monster head-on, and Jiang Zhengjun asked her after he settled down with his subordinates, "Excuse me, girl, you can see the face of the monster clearly."

Su Xiaolu nodded: "Seven or eight feet tall, with a sharp mouth and a fox face, he doesn't look like a human being. He has supernatural powers and can hide invisibly."

Hearing that monsters can hide, Jiang Zhengjun frowned.

Seeing him thoughtful, Su Xiaolu couldn't help asking: "Master Jiang, do you have any clues?"

Jiang Zhengjun frowned, and said heavily: "There is one person who can hide himself in Suzhou City recently, but that is a girl, but this monster, we searched the entire Suzhou City in the daytime, but we can't find it, so we don't rule out it in the daytime." The monster here shows people with a human face."

Jiang Zhengjun had doubts, so he didn't want to delay immediately, and immediately got up to ask questions.

Su Xiaolu and Fayin Fayue looked at each other and followed immediately.

Jiang Zhengjun took them to a bodyguard bureau called Humen Bodyguard Bureau.

Jiang Zhengjun walked in first, and soon the steward of the bodyguard came out to greet him with a smile, and asked him: "Master Jiang, what is the purpose of coming to Dajia?"

Jiang Zhengjun looked at the busy people in the escort agency, and he said lightly: "I heard that your escort agency has acquired a fierce general with high martial arts skills. It is rumored that she can hide, let her come out and answer."

"Hiss... dare to ask my lord, what is the reason for? Miss Bai in our bodyguard agency has a bad temper. If you disturb Miss Bai rashly, you will lose your temper."

The steward smiled and tried again.

Miss Baixu has a weird temper, but it's true, she has skills, it's okay to have a little temper, as long as she can work for the Escort, her strength is the boss, as a steward, she naturally knows everyone in the Escort and respects them.

As long as you can complete the task when you press the dart, you can be angry on weekdays.

"It involves the case of monster digging in recent days, this answer is enough."

Jiang Zhengjun looked serious.

When the manager heard this, he also showed a serious look, and nodded: "Please wait a moment."

After that, he quickly turned around and called for someone.

Su Xiaolu has dealt with people in the Escort, she knows that strength is very important in the Escort.

This person who is so valued by the Humen Escort Bureau shows that he is very strong in the Escort Bureau, let alone has extraordinary abilities


The manager of the Humen Bodyguard Bureau didn't keep them waiting for long. A quarter of an hour later, the manager came with a well-dressed woman.

Su Xiaolu and Baixu were slightly surprised when they saw each other.

But it just returned to normal after a while, as if they had never met each other.

"Is it a woman?"

Jiang Zhengjun looked at Baixu, and frowned. It was a woman, thin and not too tall. This had nothing to do with the burly monster, but he smelled blood from this woman.

"Little girl Baixu, I have met Master Jiang."

Baixu arched his hands and announced his name to greet him.

Jiang Zhengjun looked at Baixu, and then asked, "Do you have the ability to hide?"


Baixu readily admitted.

"Why do you have blood in your body? Do you often eat blood?"

Jiang Zhengjun narrowed his eyes.

Baixu frowned, but finally she nodded: "I often eat raw meat, everyone in the Escort knows that."

She can absorb power directly from food, and she doesn't need to refine it like Su Xiaolu. This is her unique method. She eats raw meat every day. People in the Escort have naturally seen it. She simply didn't hide it. She wants to be in the Escort To gain a foothold in the world, it is good to let others respect and fear you.

Although she is a woman, no one in the bodyguard sees her as a woman. The head of the bodyguard said that there is no woman like her, so in their eyes, she is a brother, not a woman.

"Girl, please come with us. The heart-digging monster is also bloodthirsty, and can also hide and hide. The girl happens to have this ability. Although we haven't found any evidence, the girl is already a serious suspect. Please." The girl cooperates, and when the investigation is clear and the girl is innocent, she will definitely be released and the girl will make amends." Jiang Zhengjun looked at Baixu seriously, no matter whether Baixu was right or not, she was suspicious.

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