Chapter 790: The Next Target

Chapter 790 Next Target

As long as it is a suspect, it must be taken away and strictly guarded.

They have made no progress at present, and the people are in panic. Now that they finally have a suspected suspect, naturally they can't just let it go.

Baixu frowned.

The manager of the Humen Security Bureau was not happy when he heard it, and he immediately said: "Our Baixu girl has been in the security bureau and has never left. She eats raw meat, which is bought chicken, duck and livestock. Those monsters all said that the monster is tall and big, which is not in line with Miss Baixu anyway."

Jiang Zhengjun immediately retorted: "Never left, do any of you eat and sleep with this Baixu girl? There are people with her at twelve hours a day, and since it is a monster, it is not wrong to change the body of a man and a woman." Impossible, we are not trying to convict, but just ask this Baixu girl to move around, and we will release her when the investigation is clear."

The manager of the Humen Bodyguard Bureau gritted his teeth. He couldn't refute these words. He looked at Baixu helplessly and said, "Miss Bai, we trust you. If you don't want to, then our Humen Bodyguard Bureau will naturally protect you."

As a steward, he must protect everyone in the Escort, but for everyone's sake, he has to let Baixu make the choice.

Su Xiaolu looked at Baixu, she knew too little about Baixu, but according to her previous understanding, Baixu should not be so obedient, she would naturally turn her face.

But what Su Xiaolu didn't expect was that Bai Xu just said plainly: "I'll just go with them, that crazy murderer won't stop so soon, I can prove my innocence by going there, it's good for me No loss either."

Baixu didn't get angry, she cooperated very well.

She decided to cooperate and not make any noise. The manager of the Humen Bodyguard Agency was very pleased, but he also wanted to let people know that the people in their bodyguard agency are not easy to bully, so the manager said coldly to Jiang Zhengjun: "Miss Baixu is kind-hearted and cooperates with you." We Humen Security Bureau can also cooperate with the investigation, but today we will put the words here, once there are new cases, you must release people."

Baixu cooperates, she is sensible and understands righteousness, she is a very good partner of the Escort, they will not abandon her.

Jiang Zhengjun looked at Baixu, and nodded, "As long as it's not her, she will be let go."

He took Baixu away because she was suspected, but if it wasn't for her, it would be useless to arrest her.

"Uncle Niu, I'm fine, don't worry."

Baixu smiled at the steward. Niu Yan is over thirty years old. As the steward of the Escort, he has read many books and has a reputation as a leader. He is in charge of a series of affairs of the Escort. Also very mild.

She wandered around, and finally decided to settle here and join the Humen Bodyguard Agency to guard the bodyguards. There was also a reason for Niu Yan. She felt the care of her elders in him.

In the past few months, she has calmed down and understood many things that she couldn't understand before. If it was in the past, she would not be able to speak and agree to this matter so calmly today, but now she can do it.

Su Xiaolu was also surprised by her change, wasn't she? Baixu was in a good mood, she followed Jiang Zhengjun's men to the side.

Jiang Zhengjun took Baixu away, and the escorts stopped what they were doing and followed.

"Miss Bai, we will pick you up in a few days."

Looking at Baixu, several people spoke.

Baixu smiled and waved his hands in agreement, "Okay."

Su Xiaolu looked at Baixu, Baixu had really changed a lot, the unexplainable hostility in her body disappeared.

Baixu is calm and unhurried, she does not shy away from her supernatural abilities, nor is she afraid of being suspected.

Fa Le asked Su Xiaolu in a low voice: "Auntie, do you think it's her?"

Su Xiaolu shook her head without hesitation: "No."

She didn't know much about Baixu, but at this moment, the intuition that Baixu gave her told her that Baixu was not the murderer.

Farr sighed.

Fayin also had no choice but to say in a low voice: "If it wasn't for her, then someone else would be in danger."

Baixu glanced sideways at Su Xiaolu, and suddenly asked, "If I'm sure I'm not the murderer, can I help you catch the murderer together?"

Baixu looked at the two bald monks beside Su Xiaolu and thought, every time I saw Su Xiaolu, the people around Su Xiaolu were different, and it was strange that they called her aunt.

Jiang Zhengjun looked at Baixu. This girl had open eyes, fixed eyes and no guilt. She was also a capable girl. Jiang Zhengjun nodded and said, "If you can help me, Jiang will be very grateful."

Baixu nodded slightly, but didn't speak any more.

Jiang Zhengjun brought Baixu back to the government, and found a servant girl to watch over her every step of the way, and then continued to check the city for any abnormalities.

Since Miss Qiuran's accident last night, when she searched the city and found Baixu, it was already dawn, and no one could sleep all night.

Su Xiaolu also took Fayin and Fale to visit.

I went to an inn for dinner at noon, and I heard the diners talking about monsters.

"The person who was targeted this time turned out to be a very rich member of the chapter. He has two daughters who have not left the cabinet. It's really unlucky."

"I heard that the monster specially chooses the daughters of rich families to eat. At this time, we poor people are very lucky."

"The government has strong soldiers and strong horses, so many people went to protect the two daughters' homes. This time, they should be able to catch it. Last night, Master Qiu made a mistake.

Blame them for doing things quietly. "

"I still hope they can catch it quickly. Rich people are all smart. If they are hard to get, ordinary people like us will not be the ones who are unlucky."


"Auntie, a new target has appeared, let's go back after dinner." Fayin said to Su Xiaolu.

There are new targets, and they should also understand, deploy and participate in protection.

This time, what happened to the Qiu family must not be allowed to happen again.

Su Xiaolu nodded, and the three of them ate faster.

After dinner, the three of them went directly back to the official residence, and then went to Zhang's house. Zhang Xuerou's daughters were Zhang Xuerou and Zhang Xueyu, one fifteen and one thirteen. The two sisters lived in the same courtyard, and the paw prints left by the monster were at the gate of the courtyard. , For a while, no one could guess which girl was chosen.

Because I don't know, Zhang Xuerou and Zhang Xueyu are both dangerous. My sister Zhang Xuerou can barely keep calm, she didn't cry, but her face was pale and looked bloodless, and her younger sister Zhang Xueyu couldn't control her trembling and crying because she was too scared.

When Su Xiaolu and the others came, Jiang Zhengjun had already led people to check, and his brows were serious.

Mrs. Zhang looked terrified, and Mrs. Zhang wiped her tears with worry, and looked at Jiang Zhengjun with expectation: "Master Jiang, we will cooperate well, please do your best to protect my two daughters."

She raised her up with painstaking efforts, and was born pregnant in October. Now that she is being targeted by a monster, it really breaks her heart. Why did the monster miss her two beautiful daughters? Mrs. Zhang's heart ached as she thought about it, and she burst into tears.

ps: It’s hard to be ashamed, there is still only one update

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