After receiving the domestic order, Andrei Gromyko, the Soviet ambassador to the United States, immediately went to Secretary of State Cordell Hull; when Hull heard his purpose, he took him to President Roosevelt.

Although he had always been brooding about what happened last time, given that the two countries had a common enemy, Roosevelt still agreed to assist the Soviet Union. Congress also restarted the Lend-Lease Act. In the original time and space, the United States provided 31.6 billion U.S. dollars in aid to the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union received 11 billion U.S. dollars, and France received 300 million U.S. dollars. But now, although France and the United Kingdom have fallen, Europe refuses to exchange American foreign exchange, causing The United States suffered considerable losses and decided to first assist the Soviet Union with supplies worth US$1 billion.

To show his solemnity, Secretary of State Cordell Hull personally went to the Soviet Union to discuss the matter.

Arriving at the Kremlin in Moscow, Stalin personally received them. The guests and hosts took their seats, and after a brief exchange of polite greetings, they went straight to the topic. "I wonder what weapons and equipment you can provide?"

Hull was prepared for this and took out a document. "We have all the weapons and equipment we can provide here, and their performance will never be worse than that of Germany."

The above introduces various weapons and equipment in detail, ranging from pistols to aircraft, tanks and cannons, with pictures and performance attached. Stalin looked through it with interest.

But just after turning a few pages, Stalin's expression suddenly changed, the muscles on his face trembled, and a faint anger burst out of his eyes.

Hull, who picked up the tea cup and was about to taste the Russian tea, noticed something strange about Stalin and asked. "Is there any problem? Mr. Stalin?"

Molotov, who was accompanying him, was about to ask when Stalin pointed to a picture on the document and asked Hull with slightly trembling fingers. "This submachine gun..."

Hale took a look. "Oh, this is the latest submachine gun we have just developed. Its performance far exceeds the MP40 submachine gun equipped by the German army." It is far superior, but in terms of performance alone, this submachine gun is not much better than the MP40. The muzzle velocity and rate of fire are not as good as the MP40, and the firepower sustainability is similar. The advantage I can think of is that it has a larger caliber and the warhead will be more lethal.

Starling asked in a calm and cold voice. "Did your country learn from or copy the design of this submachine gun from other firearms?"

What does he mean? Is it possible that the Soviet Union also designed a similar submachine gun? Think the United States stole their designs? Thinking of this, Hull replied decisively. "Of course not. This submachine gun is completely independently developed by us..."


Before Hull finished speaking, Stalin suddenly got angry, picked up the crystal ashtray on the coffee table, and hit Hull's head hard, making a muffled sound.

He was hit hard on the head without any precautions, and Hel suddenly screamed and fell to the ground.

Everyone was stunned by this sudden situation and did not react for a moment; but when the guards outside the door heard the screams inside, they rushed in immediately and saw the great leader Comrade Stalin riding on the body of the US Secretary of State. The crystal ashtray in his hand hit his head one after another.

Although they didn't know what happened, the guards immediately subdued the accompanying American officials.

It wasn't until the ashtray in his hand completely shattered that Starlin stopped panting. But Hull's head was already mangled with blood and flesh, and he left this world with his eyes wide open.

Stalin, who staggered to his feet, glanced at the American officials who were restrained by the guards and had frightened expressions on their faces, and said coldly. "Pull them all out and shoot them to death!"

Several American officials were also proficient in Russian. When they heard that Stalin wanted to shoot them, they immediately went crazy! what is happening? ! A nice trip abroad for business, but you end up losing your life for no reason? "No! You can't do this! Are you crazy?!"

But no matter how hard they struggled, they could not break free from the grip of the strong guards. Several of them received several gun butts on their heads, and they collapsed weakly and were dragged out of the living room by the guards.

"Comrade Stalin, you, what are you..." Molotov was almost frightened. He didn't know why Stalin suddenly went crazy.

Starlin took out his handkerchief and wiped the blood on his hands, wiped it a few times and threw it away. "Damn, it's everywhere. I have to go back and take a shower. Molotov, you go back first and we'll talk about it in the evening if you have anything to do. Malenkov, clean up this place." After leaving these words, he turned and left.

Secretary Malenkov, who turned pale with fright, finally recovered, looked at Molotov blankly, and asked tremblingly. "Comrade Molotov, what on earth is going on?"

Molotov was still puzzled.

You must know that the Secretary of State in the United States is no ordinary person. This position is appointed by the President of the United States (with the approval of the Senate) and is responsible to the President. He is a senior administrative official after the President and Vice President; he is the President’s main adviser on foreign affairs and serves in cabinet meetings. and chief member of the National Security Council. He is also the fourth in the line of presidential succession (President, Vice President, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Secretary of State).

According to the U.S. Constitution, the Secretary of State can temporarily act as the president from the time when the previous president leaves office until the next one is sworn in, but the period shall not exceed eight days.

Although the U.S. State Department is an agency on the same level as the Treasury, Justice, and Defense departments, it ranks first and is obviously higher than ordinary cabinet ministers. Responsibilities of the Secretary of State - Responsible for the federal government's foreign affairs and some internal affairs. Judging from the activities that the Secretary of State is mainly engaged in, he is equivalent to the foreign minister of a country. However, he is also responsible for some internal affairs functions and is a special "foreign minister."

Such an important figure was actually beaten to death. If word spread about this, would Americans be able to bear it? !

He recalled Stalin's abnormal reaction just before he went "crazy". "What did Comrade Stalin read just now?"

Malenkov carefully picked up the document with a few drops of blood on it and saw that the picture above was of a submachine gun named M3.

The two couldn't help but look at each other. No one knew how this gun stimulated Comrade Stalin.

After looking for a long time without getting a clue, Molotov couldn't help but muttered. "How should this matter be announced to the public?" Of course, it is impossible to announce the matter truthfully, but it is also impossible to conceal it. After all, his identity is here.

Malenkov also frowned deeply. As a secretary, he naturally had to solve problems for the leader. Comrade Stalin must also need a decent excuse.

After racking his brains for a long time, Malenkov suddenly clapped his hands. "Comrade Molotov, we can change our words."

"Change?" Molotov asked hurriedly. "How to change?"

Malenkov pointed to the body being "packed" and dragged out by the guards. "Let's just say he intended to assassinate Comrade Stalin."

Molotov raised his eyebrows slightly. Although this statement sounds very absurd, there is no proof of death, and Americans have no place to confirm it. "Then I'll go back and draft a notice now."

Malenkov nodded. "I'll report it to Comrade Stalin."

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