Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Near the door of the house, Lin Yuezhi's heart suddenly jumped, her eyelids shuddered. Suddenly, she raised her eyes sharply, and Yu Guang grabbed the figure that was passing by.

The shadow was like ghosts, bright red dresses, black hair and buttocks, flying in the night, snowflakes flying in the sky, a temptation of strange danger.

It's Yinluo!

Her heart was a bit slow.

"Parking !!!" She yelled violently. Before the driver stopped the car, she drove quickly and ran out.

The driver stared dullly at a dark, strangely weird woman. She moved very fast, a few flashes, and turned into the alley.

In the darkness, the two women face off.

The alley behind Su Kui was a dead end, blocked by a stone wall. However, she didn't panic at all. She smiled in the corner of her lips with a three-pointed evil smile. She looked at Lin Yuezhi who was chasing her, and said hello gracefully, "Hey, see you again, how are you?"

Lin Yuezhi gritted his teeth, "Less nonsense, Yin Luo! I know who you are, and I'm not ashamed here !!"

Once it was confirmed that the person was strongly malicious against her Lin family, she had no room to speak, and if she could, she even wanted to kill her directly.

The slender white fingers touched the broken hair on the shoulders, and the bells on Hao's wrists rang, especially in the silent night. A mole of tears beneath the corners of the eyes shone in the night, Ye Ye glowed, bursting with endless confusion, her red lips slightly opened, she seemed surprised, "Yeah, you guessed it? Speaking, I was still A member of the Lin family! Speaking of that, the old things treated me well at that time, and I really believed that I was the Miss Lin family! "

"Speaking of course, what a dream! You should be clear about this!"

"You--" Lin Yuezhi's eyes dodged slightly, she didn't know much, but she still saw these necessary records.

The ancestors gained all the trust of Yin Luo, and when she was full of anticipation, tortured fiercely, stabbed the most cruel knife, so that she was cut out of her heart in the endless resentment and turned into a puppet. Instead of erasing her memory, she was allowed to keep fermenting her resentment. She resented the power of the heart bitter for every point she increased, and it became stronger.

"How do I? Those missing people in the news recently, did it come from you? I thought that you, the Lin family, still had some conscience, so I only wanted to get my things back, so I would n’t be entangled, such a pity--"

Her eyes were as if the venom had been quenched, and her white teeth were sharp and sharp, "You can't live by your sins! You Lin family, you should be a son of a son!"

Lin Yuezhi seemed to be stepped on a sore foot, and as if she was touched against the scales. She rose fiercely and stared at Su Kui, "That's all you forced me! If you don't show up, neither will I I will do my best to study these, and where do you get it ?! Don't you still have countless blood on your hands ?! If I said, you are the one who should die most! "

Why do **** people have to live in this world?

Su Kui sneered, did most of the heroine's worldview collapse completely? As long as it is the heroine, she kills and sets fire, and even makes these puppets, everyone and the hero will only see her strong side, no one accuses her of innocent and brutal? !

"Ah, beauty, how are you ~" Suddenly, a frivolous male voice interjected, Su Kui raised his eyebrows and looked around.

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