Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

With a smile, she shook her head and said hello, "Hello, handsome, um, your little snake is also very cute--"

Tuoba Mingkun, a man who is very good at playing Gu poison, has a mysterious background and fierce means.

The two teamed up, and the ban imposed on Su Kui's bones also prevented her from killing the Lin family. Therefore, her face was as bright as a flower, and she waved leisurely, "Now, since that's the case, we will have a future! These old things It ’s always going to be over, and I ’ve lived long enough— "She looked at Lin Yuezhi with a smile," Handsome, goodbye ~ "

"See you again!" Tuoba Mingkun waved his paws and smiled.

The red skirt was bloody, and her skin beat Xue. She couldn't see her movements at all. She just felt a gust of wind around her, her figure passed by, and she disappeared.


Lin Yue stopped her breath, she gritted her teeth and glared at Tuoba Mingkun, "I asked you to help me take down the woman, not to flirt with her! Are you also bewitched by her charms? Oh, I know that these low-level ghosts have only these tricks! "

Having said that, he drove back and forth, and turned and ran into the old mansion. Without any pause, he walked straight into the ancestral hall.

Tuoba Mingkun, who was thrown in the alley, shrugged, innocently fiddled with the snake's head, and said softly: "Xiaobai, Xiaobai, the beautiful sister just praised you as cute, if she knew you were eating dead human flesh Growing up, I do n’t know if I ’m scared! ”He whispered while walking,“ However, it ’s a very fun person, I decided to like her! ”

Silver Snake Xiaobai stretched out Nobuko and licked his throat, and Mung Bean's big eyes blinked.

Inside the ancestral hall.

Looking at the scene like the autumn wind sweeping down the leaves, Lin Yuezhi clenched his fists, and his heart seemed to stop in an instant. The ranking was crooked, and several people's ranking fell to the ground and was crushed. She had no time to take care of it, and just glanced a little before she ran into the secret room.


She exhaled, and the puppets were still in the stone walls. Probably Yin Luo had just arrived, and before she came in, she realized she was back?

There was a moment of luck in her heart, she still had time to relax, and suddenly heard a sneer from behind, "No need to watch, these puppets have been abandoned!" It was uncomfortable inside, "Little snake, little snake, it seems that the beautiful sister has two more lives. I want to play with her more, what do you say?"

Lin Yuezhi chased out, and just heard this sentence, her body shivered, and there was an unspeakable irritability in her heart, "Tuoba Mingkun, what do you mean! Are you really confused by that ghost? If so, you better get back to your mountain as soon as possible, and save me the blockage! "

All she said was irritating, and she had tried her best to find Tuoba Mingkun just to ask for help. How could she be allowed to go back like this.

In the past, Tuoba Mingkun was never annoyed, but instead bowed his head to admit that no matter who was really wrong. Lin Yuezhi thought it was the same this time, and did not expect Tuoba Mingkun to take a serious look at her and nod, "Okay, then I will go back."

"Just before leaving, do you want to see the beautiful sister, what is the contact information, eh? You said, do you want, Xiaobai?"

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