Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

But soon, he scratched his head in distress, "But, I don't know where the beautiful sister lives, she is more powerful than me, Xiaobai, Xiaobai, can you find her? If you can find it, I please You eat human flesh ~ "

The silver snake seemed to be really humane, and his head was raised with a whisper, and it was completely gone before he was lazy.

Tuoba Mingkun's feminine slender eyes smiled, and Yin Hong's thin lips slightly picked.

Lin Yuezhi couldn't stand it anymore, her temple jumped, Shen Sheng yelled, "Enough! Tuoba Mingkun, what do you want! That woman is going to kill me, do you know?"

Tuoba Mingkun looked back. If he looked closely, he would see a purple color in his pupils. It was a grub that grew up in his body from an early age.

He nodded in his spare time, beckoning that he knew, "But, what does this have to do with me?" Tuoba Mingkun said innocently: "I only promised to come out with you, and I didn't promise you what you would do for you. "

He was no longer a foolish Tuoba Mingkun, who was so stupid, no matter how she rushed or how she disliked him. He now only believes in abilities. In the face of powerful abilities, all coldness and hardship have to bow his head and show weakness. Look, just like Lin Yuezhi, how did he swear that he would never go to him.

Do you have a face now?

Tuoba Mingkun said that it is very cool to see, people, you must not be foolish and stupid to stay in place and wait for pity, so in addition to satisfying the other party's vanity, it will only let the other party step on your heart. Useless!

His soft lips lightly said, "Yueyue, many times, asking someone for help comes at a price, and of course I am no exception! You think about it, will you pay me anything?"

Lin Yuezhi's heart has been beating violently until now. She even has the illusion that she will die suddenly because her heart beats too fast. With a pale face, her eyelashes flickered, "What do you ... want?"

"Huh, no sincerity," Tuoba Mingkun shook his head and sighed, "Of course, the employer pays for this kind of thing. I am only responsible for doing things. As for how much effort I give, it depends on the employer's salary. How much sincerity, Yueyue, do you say yes? "

In black clothes and black pants, Lin Yuezhi stood in the yard with little sense of presence. She lowered her head, and her long bangs covered her eyes. "Can't you ... owe it first?"

Tuoba Mingkun mocked in his eyes, but his tone was soft. He shook his index finger, "No, I'm Miaojiang, there is no such rule! Everything is paid first, and then things are done, since Yueyue can't think of it, then When you come up with it, let's meet again! "

The pale moonlight shone on his purple ethnic clothes, the silver ornaments shone brightly, and the wrists and ankles were worn with jewelry made of old silver, and there was a clattering noise when walking.

Nonetheless, he didn't look feminine, but instead had a taste.

Stepping on the stone-paved courtyard, a dull rustle sounded.

One step, two steps, three steps, four steps ...

Counting to the fifteenth step, I heard a suppressed voice coming from behind, "I promise you! Tuoba Mingkun, you are so sinister !!!" What he wanted, she was not naive and ignorant. The little girl naturally knew he meant something.

In fact, she made up her mind long before departure, and if he wanted, she would give it.

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