Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

But to this day, he still feels embarrassed, hatred rises in his heart, and his nails are pinched into the palm of his hand.

Without Yinluo, she would never ask for a man who had other plans for her, tearing up the oath she had uttered, and pulling her face down to step on the foot of the man, just to steal the life!

Embarrassed, cheeks red.

Sensitively aware of the hatred in Lin Yuezhi's eyes, Tuoba Mingkun's eyes were dull, and soon flashed back, raising a light smile again, and touched Xiaobai's head and asked: "Really ? Yueyue, you know, I always get paid before I do things. If you really give me permission, you must not regret it! "

"I ..." How could Lin Yuezhi not regret it! It was exhausting all her courage to say those words, but Tuoba Mingkun apparently refused to let her go easily. She clenched her teeth and said, "I don't regret it!"

Speaking out--

"Very good." The soft man's voice smiled, as if endless tenderness was brewing in his eyes.


As expected, it's strange that Tuoba Mingkun didn't have much feeling of happiness in his heart. It may be that it took too long and what he pursued in childhood was now bland, but it was a bit bland.

Turning out of bed, he put on a thin coat and walked to the table to smoke a hookah.

Lin Yuezhi was awakened by the smell of smoke. She blinked dullly. Her body seemed to be crushed by countless trucks, and she felt sore and weak. Her eyes shuddered, she clenched the bed sheet under her body, took a deep breath, and asked coldly, "You haven't told me the answer, why those puppets are scrapped! Otherwise, you have no reason to say, I don't believe it! "

Tuoba Mingkun took his last breath slowly, knocked off his squirt gun, and looked at her ironically. Was this the same girl who learned Yin and Yang quickly and was smart?

The filthiness of the earthly world, after all, polluted her aura.

"Don't you notice that the puppets have no soul?" The soul of the person is hidden in the eye. Once the eyeball is destroyed, the spirit that supports the soul in the body will quickly lose. Soon, the soul trapped in the body It will fly away.

Such a simple thing, she saw big from childhood, should be more clear than him!

It was so stupid that it was hopeless! In this way, still want to fight with the woman who comes and goes without a shadow?

Tuoba Mingkun is very clear that even with his help, Lin Yuezhi will not necessarily win, but since he has received the remuneration, he will do his best.

Lin Yuezhi was accosted by what he said, and lowered his head to ponder, "What should I do? At that time, the seniors left these puppets, which were not destroyed, just to be able to use them one day, and now they are all destroyed. What should I do to deal with Yin? radish?!"

Sure enough, when I woke up, there was no shyness, no tenderness, and some just wanted to deal with the woman who wanted to avenge the Lin family. Should it be said that she divided the transaction clearly?

Tuoba Mingkun sneered and his voice was a little deeper, "Aren't you already working on refining? Since that's the case, then you can personally refine a puppet of your own!" How could you not think of it? It will change, he is changing, so will she.

The girl who was jealous at first was gone with the dark world long ago. He can quietly take away the children of all ages, just to experiment and make puppets to protect themselves, he has nothing to regret.

After all this is done, he will go back to Dashan, clean!

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