Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Su Kui was a little surprised. She asked Qin Yu with her eyes, "This is ..."

Qin Yu stepped forward and took her hand to appease: "Don't be afraid, they are not here to target you. You can do what you usually do, and you can do what you do now." This group of people has just arrived, and he still has the time to put these people Brought to the study to discuss.

When the group saw Su Kui, Dao Xingxing could see her identity at a glance.

"This, this—" The oldest old man was particularly surprised, "This is a puppet ?! But, it's not like ..."

As soon as his voice fell, he was dragged by his apprentice. He reacted and quickly looked up at Qin Yu. Sure enough, he was scared and gloomy.

"Sorry, Mr. Qin, the old is just curious."

Qin Yu glanced at him lightly. Although the words were spoken to him, everyone's meanings were heard in his ears.

"You don't need to be curious, you just need to keep in mind that I'm paying you a lot to come over, so that you can protect her for me. If necessary, listen to my orders!"

Everyone listened, their faces were different, and they were all being sought after in various industries. At this moment, Qin Yu was so humiliated that he could not say a word.


Tuoba Mingkun entered the old house with an ugly face, throwing a letter in front of Lin Yuezhi, "Look, there is a big man checking us. If I had some connections in recent years, I would really be Pull it out! "He felt a headache, and he felt that he had taken a big trouble in coming out to help her for his own selfish desires.

Lin Yuezhi raised her hand, and a teenager standing behind her immediately politely poured a glass of water for her. She sneered, "Tuoba Mingkun, you were not afraid of the past, what? Which big man scares you this way? "

A few days later, with the help of Tuoba Mingkun, she finally turned into a puppet, but it didn't seem to be very successful, far less than Yin Luo's flexible body and ability, and she still has her own mind.

After hearing this, Tuoba Mingkun glanced at her with a smile, not knowing that she should be laughed at, that she was so stupid, or that she should laugh at her ignorance! In the past, I was not afraid of fear, because I knew too little. Now that I am mature, I know more things, and I know that there are people and people outside of heaven. He will never be the most powerful one.

The little silver snake is in the palm, cold, and feels very good to the touch. Tuoba Mingkun thought about it for a while, and he looked up at Lin Yuezhi and said, "Yueyue, you must listen to me this time, I am serious, and the situation is not good for us now. Yin Luo should not have taken it Our message tells the person behind the scenes, but she does n’t necessarily say it one day, and by then, we definitely ca n’t play with them. ”

His face was very serious, and he changed his previous lightness. "You come back to me with 100,000 mountains. I will treat you well. There is no need to struggle with these hatreds that have nothing to do with you. In 100,000 mountains, That's my site. By then, even if the person behind the scene wants to intervene, it's not easy to get in, you will be safe. "

Lin Yuezhi didn't know why, but she didn't like that kind of place, the mountainous environment was messy, the living conditions were extremely poor, and there were various unknown snakes, worms, ants, and she naturally hated this.

Almost without thinking, she shook her head and refused, "I will not go, even if I die, I will die here, and, since you don't know who is investigating us, how can you know that his power is all over the world?"

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