Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Mingkun, maybe you just thought about it, right?" She took his hand and said seriously: "Look, my puppet has been refined, and you help me, if Yin Luo comes to seek revenge, I wo n’t necessarily lose! ”She was proud of her technique, even thinking about waiting for things to end, refining a few more puppets to do things for herself. By then, the Lin family ’s former glory was restored and it was even quicker.

"No," Tuoba Mingkun smiled sarcastically. He pulled out his hand lightly and got up. "Lin Yuezhi, I'm talking to you seriously, not a joke. If you stay here, then you can face it alone, I No more shots! "

"You—" Lin Yuezhi was angry and stood up to confront him. "You said that it would help me, Tuoba Mingkun. I didn't expect you to be such a villain!"

After hearing this, Tuoba Mingkun's disdainful glance, her soft eyebrows were full of indifference, "I only said that it will help you to make puppets, but it will not help you to confront those people, Lin Yuezhi, you are even the enemy in front of you I do n’t know how many, and why should I **** you to death ?! "

You really thought I was a stupid boy who was desperate for love a few years ago. For you, can I not even have to die?

Now, to talk about these again, it would be hypocritical. Anyway, the matter has come to an end, he should have said everything, if Lin Yuezhi continues to be obsessed, he will not go back.

In addition, he has already booked a ticket, and at the latest tonight, he will take a ride back to 100,000 Dashan.

There is his roots, his lineages are there, and only there can he be called absolute security.

"I ..." Lin Yue stopped her mouth and was dumbfounded by Tuoba Mingkun's words. She tightened her throat and squeezed her wrist. "But, we have no turning back!"

"I've already started on Yin Luo, and tonight, if she doesn't die, it's me who will die!"

"What ?!" Tuoba Mingkun was horrified. He stared at Lin Yuezhi with wide eyes, trying to see a trace of lying from her eyes, but no, her eyes were clean, just express in words The meaning of

"Who will allow you to do it yourself, what did you do ?! Huh?" He snapped Lin Yuezhi's chin, pressing tightly.

It ’s so powerful that I ca n’t wait to pinch her chin.

Lin Yuezhi hit him in the hand, shook his hand away, and got angry, "I do whatever I like, I don't need you to control! Since you are greedy and afraid of death, you can go away." ! I will do all the work without having to get angry at me, and go quickly! "

She couldn't understand how the man who once asked her suddenly became so selfish. But he took the risk, and the danger did not come, he refused. Oh, she knew that men's love is too cheap to mention.

"Huh ..." Tuoba Mingkun was ridiculed by her with a gun and a stick, and he felt that he was really verbose. He shrugged and smiled without anger, "Since this, then I wish you good luck, I Tickets for the train tonight have been bought, and I will be waiting for you at the station before ten o'clock! "

Now that he had no interest in speaking, he picked up Xiaobai and walked to the door. He stopped, "Remember, ten o'clock! After ten o'clock, I immediately got on the bus and left, even if you came one hundred thousand later." Dashan finds me, and I won't see you either. "

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