Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

The second elder, who was still clamoring, had no idea which of the corpses was turned into.

Liu Fengliu held Su Kui lightly and turned around, "clean up."

"Yes! King!"

A group of bodyguards in black wrought iron armor were shocked to be speechless, and immediately responded to their knees, looking at the tall and tall figure, and their eyes were full of reverence.

King Shang is doing this, I'm afraid it's comparable to the **** of Jiuzhong heaven, right?



"What ?! You said that all the people brought by the second elder died in the abyss of imperfection, and no one survived ?!" Xie Changning's eyes widened in shock, and after getting a definite answer, he fell helplessly to his position.

The elder elder fell into the devil's path, and the second elder led countless monks to rush to the bottom of Wuya cliff to clear the devil's path, and finally was killed by Liu Fengliu.

Xie Changning remembered at this time, did he turn out to be intrigued? Knowing not to do it, the elder is not threatened by anyone, he knows, but he knows to commit crimes!

Now, the two most famous men of the Supreme Sect, one has fallen into the Devil's Path, and the other died in a desperate destiny. The Supreme Sect is afraid that it will be over!

He fell on his seat, as if he was a decade old.

"Brother! Brother, I heard that the second elder is gone ?!"

In the irritable room, there was a charming female voice outside the palace, and then the fragrant wind hit, and Huayue in a red dress came in.

Xie Changning still remembers that the beginning of everything is Huayue. Originally, she still had one or two thoughts about her, but now, when I look at it again, I just feel irritable and dazzling.

"What are you doing!" He sighed in a poor tone.

Huayue was dissatisfied, "Brother, I naturally came to visit you! The elder elder fell into the devil's path, and the elder elder died of fate. Now, this supreme sect, who dares to intervene in your sect affairs ?!"

Hearing the words, Xie Changning sneered, woman's opinion!

"Do you really think that by virtue of my cultivation period, I can control the entire sect ?!" Xie Changning pointed out suddenly, "The second elder called so many monks. Now, these people are all killed. At the bottom of the cliff, the disciples of the Supreme Sect are countless dead and wounded! "

"Supreme Sect has no masters to sit in, and some disciples who have been cultivated for a while are taken down the mountain by the second elder. The odds? It depends on you or me, eh? "

He said one word after another, biting his teeth and staring at Huayue. If she was not out of the jealousy of the woman, if she moved the elders of the Purple Phoenix to see Ruobao's pet, she would not cause today's misfortune!

Huayue was scared and pale, stumbled and stumbled: "Master, Brother ... I, I didn't think so much, I really--"

"Enough!" Xie Changning was angry now when she saw her appearance. Since she didn't fix it, she became hysterical. Where is the elegant and calm look of the past! "If you go back now, if you get into trouble, you, the leader of me, won't be able to protect you!"

As soon as he dropped his sleeve, Xie Changning left.


Two days later, as expected, Xie Changning's words were answered, and the martial arts of the dead monks all summoned the sectarian manpower, joined forces with the major factions, and attacked the mountain together.

There must be no argument. On the surface, it is the Demon Guardian Road. In fact, it is just the second elder and his own selfish desires.

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