Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

If Liu Liuliu was removed, a serious trouble would be removed, and he would think of it later and wait for revenge.

No one expected that so many monks who had advanced to the depths could not hurt Liu Fengliu's sweat!

Not even Xie Changning thought!

Mu Xiaxue was hidden in the crowd, the smoke of the Supreme Sect outside was filled, the flags of various martial arts were swaying in the air, she clenched her fists, hiding the panic in her heart.

She knew in her heart that if this group of people really started, no one could be spared.

Looking down at the brown mark on her wrist, she narrowed her eyebrows and quietly receded into the corner—

In the end, the group of people started, and all the martial arts joined forces to rob the Supreme Sect in the name of revenge, and the heads and elders all fell here. All the disciples with few left also fled, and descended!

Looking at Huayue's flattering smile to the head of a certain school, Mu Xiaxue pursed her lips, quickly turned into a corner that no one could see, and the figure disappeared quickly.

Ever since the news that all the elders and the monks led by them had fallen, Mu Xiaxue quietly began hoarding supplies in her space cave house for this day.

She decided to hide for a while, wait for the matter to subside, then hide her incognito, and leave the Supreme Sect quietly.


Seventeen years later.

Come to town again.

A girl in red is holding a sugar gourd, hopping through the streets, and a tall and handsome man frowns behind him.

"Shui'er, Shui'er, slow down! He said on the king, you are not allowed to eat more of this!"

Su Kui swallowed another candied gourd, the skin covered with syrup was bitten by a bite, and the sweet and sour hawthorn stimulated the taste buds. She narrowed her eyes and ignored Liu Changqing's nagging and went on to the next one.

"Boss, bring me some donkeys!" Su Kui threw out a piece of broken silver, took the donkey and rolled, and continued to walk forward.

"Hey, Shui'er--" Liu Changqing had a headache. Every time he was ordered to follow her, he always had the most headache.

During this time Liu Liuliu closed down, and Su Kui could not sit alone anymore, turning the tossing person of the Seven Star Palace upside down. After seeing her, all the demons repaired her and they ran away as if they saw the demon king of the world.

Miss Su Kui was finally on a whim and was planning to change places.

Since that happened seventeen years ago, the elders and Su Kui fell into the magic path, and every time Liu Changqing was ordered to follow Su Kui, he dared not take it lightly.

I can't wait to see one pair of eyes as four pairs of envoys, and watch her tightly before, after, and around!

Su Kui was not too difficult for him, enough to eat, she took out the veil and wiped her hands, and turned into a tea house.

The Kunlun sword is about to be born, and many monks have received news and rushed to death to fight for the sea. At this time, Su Kui was not guarding the old den, but ran outside to meet someone.

After all, she is a must-have person!

"Hey, two guest officers, what do you two want to drink?"

Su Kui looked at the storyteller on the stands, waved his hand casually, and said, "Pick the most expensive!"

In that way, the typical wealth is thick, Liu Changqing is helpless to see, "Shui'er, you don't know, the wealth is not innocent?"

Su Kui looked at him with disdain, raised his skirt upstairs, and walked and said: "The money is not white? I have money, it depends on whether those people dare to grab it!"

Something just said, it was clear that someone had already stared at her.

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