Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Thinking of the old man tying his wife around the universe, no one could cure her in the entire honeysuckle.

The girl's voice sounds very special, with a sense of metal, but also has the charm of belonging to the girl and not the girl.

Jane couldn't help but chuckled. In the stunned crowd, he slowly said, "Okay, you come out, I fight with you, lose, I go with you, be your dog, win, you Follow me, how about being my pet? "

Dunmore was almost stunned. "Boss, think twice! This is the act of aggression!"

"Yes, boss, Dunmore is right. If you really like that Anderson, we will tie him back for you and warm you up!"

"That is, there is no need for you to do it yourself, boss!"

They are the leader of Lonicera, what should Liandong do if they lose her.

As a member of Lonicera, everyone really broke their hearts.

Lengran grinds her teeth fiercely, and hates to go up, tearing up this arrogant woman, she dare to defame the God of War in her mind, unforgivable!

Su Kui ignored these, she moved her wrists and opened her mouth casually, "Okay."


In the vast universe, the extinct stars, far or near, shining with light, densely scattered in this night sky, it looks very beautiful and dazzling.

The cold pupil's mecha is different from Jane's humanoid mecha, but it is a beast, similar to a cat in ancient times. The whole body is white, with a dark red pattern carved on it, which looks very fierce and full of anger.

As a spoiler with a weak body but a mental level of sss, Su Kui can sit in the control room and do nothing, he can control the mech with his spirit and fight with the opponent.

More often, Leng Tong is in a position as a leader. After this mech was made, and today, it has only appeared three times.

"My dog, I won't treat you softly because of this ~ Come on!"

Two red lights burst out of the cat's eyes, and the dark red totem drawn on the forehead resembles a flame, full of anger. Su Kui slowly closed his eyes, and his mental strength entered the console a little bit. At the next moment, the cat jumped flexibly, emptied into the vast universe, and the speed was so fast that there was only a residual image, and quickly went to the frame named Xuan Ming 'S mech ran away.

Jane's eyes were Ling Xian, her thin lips lightly ticked off, "I can't ask for it!" He stopped talking, and no longer waited for his death. The armor didn't retreat and went forward, greeted the beast-shaped cat!

The two can be called the best two mechas in the world today. They collided with the speed of the ears, and made a buzzing sound that can almost pierce the eardrum of the person. The sparks splashed and touched.

Then, the cat turned a corner, when Jane thought she was going to accumulate power, she saw that she did not play cards according to common sense, and only gave him a fake move. The next moment, the front claws with sharp claws , He quickly jumped to the top of his head and smashed it up.


The fire flashed past the invincible Xuan Ming's head, leaving three deep scratches!

The soldiers who were destroyed by the aircraft and picked up by the starship were shocked to see all this.

Deng Moer exhaled, "Lying trough, the boss is dead!"

Leng Ran's pupils contracted, and she spent many years with General Anderson, knowing that he had always had a weak feeling, and had little sense of identity for the honour of the empire. She always said what she said.

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