Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

If he can promise Leng Tong, does it mean that he is interested in Leng Tong?

This is definitely not a good sign for her!

Jane scratched her paw, smiled without anger, raised her eyebrows in a good mood, and sneered, "It's really an arrogant little wild cat, it seems that I must play with you seriously!"

Su Kui sneered, "Although come here!"

In the next moment, the cat suddenly disappeared into the void, and everyone watching was stunned.

"What about people?"

"That big mech, can't you see if you don't see it ?!"

"what happened?!"

Leng Ran's eyes widened sharply, shouting in horror, "General, flash away!"

At the moment when she stared at the display, a decomposed and reassembled figure appeared behind Jane, jumped high, and suddenly jumped on Xuan Ming's back.

Jian Wenyan frowned, and he was bored by this sentence. Do not know that in battle, the most taboo shouts that have no effect? This will only distract oneself and expose the enemy to the position!

A long sword appeared in the palm of Xuan Ming. The sword was very wide, like a long sword in ancient times. He was not nervous at all, and the pressure on his back was like a mountain. He could hear the creaking sound in Xuan Ming's body, which was the pressure that was about to bear.

There was a voice behind his back, as if he was lying on his ears lightly, "Now, it seems, my dog, you are done!"

It was now that the eyes were cold, and the mech held the long sword with both hands, slashing a fierce momentum, and quickly slashing behind him.


The sword was wrapped in his power, and the whole body exuded a hot golden breath, like a flame, the sword flowed with golden liquid, and the passing place left a mottle on the cat.

Two of the coolest mechas left scars all over them at this time.

Su Kui screamed, and suddenly fell from Xuan Ming's back, the cat lost control, and quickly fell to the void.

Deng Moer's pupils contracted and his voice lost his voice in an instant. "Boss !!!" he cried out, but found that he had lost his voice.

His legs were soft, and he slammed them down to the console. "Why are you still looking at it, and don't go to save people!"

But the speed of the mech's falling was extremely fast. Dunmore knew that if Su Kui really lost consciousness at this moment, then she would be hit by a meteorite and twisted into fragments by the fast flowing airflow in the universe! It is absolutely impossible to survive!

He should have stopped her at first!

Leng Ran suddenly looked up and laughed, "Ha ha ha ha ha, this vicious woman, should have been damn! Actually, he dare to talk about the hope of getting a general. Sure enough, the name of the general's **** of war is not a worthy name!

At the next moment, her long hair was pulled by a big hand, and Dunmore smiled eerily. "Oh, is it?"

He dragged her long hair, strode to the door of the starship cabin without any mercy, and opened the door with one hand, and Ling's airflow floated right in front of her, and her eyes finally showed fear.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"What to do?" Deng Moer sneered. "What about the cold eyes, we will naturally try our best to save. As for you, let's die first!"

With that said, he pushed out coldly with his hands and feet tightly in one hand. The undercover of Lonicera should have died!

Jian Feng's eyes dimmed. She didn't expect that she would be shot down by him so quickly. There are very few spiritual abilities in the interstellar.

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