Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Yue Fusang wanted to see Su Kui the next day. He thought about it all night, and finally decided to look directly at his heart.

However, this time, beyond his expectations, Su Kui did not see him, and even did not even hear his voice.

He was stopped outside the temple, and Jingsi firmly blocked the move he wanted to enter, and told him very firmly, "If he breaks hard, the leader will be unhappy!"

In the end, Yue Fusang dropped his eyes and heeded the words of Jingsi. Seeing that he wouldn't come hard, Jingsi turned back to the Yinluo Temple, and the tall vermillion carved wooden door closed slowly in front of him.

In Yu Guangli, he saw that Jing Si's face was pale and his eyes were swollen, obviously crying for a long time.

What's going on here?

His heart was fiercely grabbed, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and he was denied one by one.

No, no, she is so powerful, how could she have an accident?

However, Jing Si, as her most trusted maid and the most faithful man, why did this expression suddenly appear? As if all thoughts were gray, his eyes were full of despair.

He squeezed his lips, and the hand on his side clenched into a fist.

Yue Fusang stood outside the hall for a long time, but still did not wait for any response. He raised his eyes, and the bright sunlight above his head could not bring warmth in the winter. Ling Xian's cold wind blew clusters of lush green bamboos, and the snow was draped down, as if another heavy snowfall had begun.

There were fine pieces of snow falling into his eyes, cold and inexplicable, and inexplicably cooled to his heart.

Finally, taking a deep look at the closed door of Yin Luodian, he stepped up and returned to the Wumingdian.

Today, we can't wait for the result. If he could, he wanted to break through hard, but if she did n’t want him to see her, his actions would only attract disgust.


Su Kui was lying weak on the bed, and the blood-stained bedding had been replaced. Jingsi just wiped her body. This time, Jingsi ignored her habits and forced the earth dragon to burn. So inside the bedroom, the air was warm, and she was yawning sleepily.

The pain last night seemed to be her nightmare, and now the whole body was surrounded by a light and fluttering feeling, as if eating an elixir and wanting to fly. She was amused by her own thoughts, and a pear vortex was deep in her cheek.

Jing Si saw her laughing, but she couldn't help but red eyes.

She stood outside the door for a long time, and slowly entered the dormitory when her emotions were barely under control. Maybe the leader is her real happiness right now? Because finally she was about to be relieved. However, the grief in her heart almost drowned her.

She was still so young, but she was trapped here for the rest of her life. Her beautiful appearance was as peculiar as peony, and her country was fragrant. However, the heart has long been decayed, leaving only the bones and the empty heart.

Therefore, the leader does not like sadness, and she no longer shows sad emotions in front of her, just laughs.

The palace was very depressed, and all the maidservants were terrified. In the morning, they couldn't wait for the teacher to send him. Waiting for the mirror to lift the tent, he saw the man lying on the bed lying in the pool of blood.

The picture was absolutely shocking.

The woman was lying on her back on the bed with a pale complexion and dried blood on her lips. For a moment, Jingsi shook hands to check the woman's breath, she really thought she was dead.

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