Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 1450: The devil's male slave (57)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Fortunately, no, but—

Jingsi couldn't speak. She walked to Su Kui and saw that she slowly opened her eyes, her long and curled eyelashes, as if they were wings that had been torn from insects, so fragile.

This is still because of the Luo Sect. So is it because of the wind and rain that makes the people in the rivers and lakes afraid of the wind because of Man Manshu?

"He's been here?" Zhangkou said, endless tiredness in his dull voice.

Jingsi nodded, "Yes, Master Yue waited outside the hall for a long time, Master, do you want to see him?"

Su Kui shook his head weakly and smiled with lips and lips, "Let him see what? See me I am dying, is he happy?" She involuntarily flicked a bit of self-deprecation, no longer mentioning Yue Fusang, but Ask Jingsi, "How have I told you to do?"

What she said was the immediate recall of Di Guangxuan who was on a mission.

Jingsi heard the words and nodded busy, "The news has been sent out, and the right protector will return in a short time!"

Hearing this sentence, Su Kui was relieved, and she yawned lazily, and a teardrop hung from her curled eyelashes, unwilling to fall. Her complexion had returned to ruddy, and her lips were plump and red, as if stained with blood. More charming and charming than before before being poisoned. "So, very good."

She turned over and waved her hand at random, "Go on, this matter can't be rumored."

Jingsi naturally knew the seriousness of the matter, and she nodded, tucked the corner for Su Kui, and quietly retreated. After going out, her face changed, unlike the gentleness of the past, her eyes were cold, and she showed endless killing intentions.

She spread her palms and poured a few pills from the bottle.

"Eat it, if the leader is injured, no one can live if it spreads. If you eat it, there is still a ray of life, you know ?!"

Several maids stared in panic at the black pill, their hearts filled with emotion.

Jingsi kept silent and took the lead to pinch one into the mouth and swallow it directly. She sneered and glanced at a few people, "Eat, live, not die, just die!"

She drew a dagger from her waist and turned a knife flower, her eyes becoming more and more obscure. On the left hand spread out, a few immortals stopped steadily in the white palms, watching the others quietly.

In the end, they couldn't bear such a suppressed atmosphere, and the cold light flashed from time to time, with endless killing eyes, they pinched the pills and swallowed them into the mouth.

"Sister Jingsi, don't worry, we certainly won't talk nonsense!"

"Sister Jingsi, I hope that after the leader is healed, you must give us an antidote!"

"Sister Jingsi ..."

Jingsi was upset by them, and glanced coldly, spit out a sentence, "Shut up! Do your own thing, but if there is a rumor, you will all die!"

Several little girls were frightened by the first time she showed such a horrible appearance, and they quickly left with their heads down.

After everyone left, the face lifted by Jing Siqiang collapsed suddenly, and he slipped down the wall tiredly.

What to do, the woman who was once glamorous and flamboyant and lifeless is going to die, there is no cure.

There was a clear tear in the corner of her eyes. She couldn't save her, no one could save someone who wanted to die! She still remembers that she was dragged by the landlord's thugs at that time, and was dragged away like a beast. She once loved her dad and counted the silver in exchange for her body.

In the distance, the sound of a uniform clank and iron ride came, as if all were shaking.

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