Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Literary and artistic films are not easy to sell, and this one has taken over the most representative settings in the bad films.

Su Kui does not care about the quality of the script, she currently only wants to do one thing.

Like ink and wash, the eyes crossed the dark light, Su Kui hooked his lips, and his eyes looked straight to He Yifan's position. The boy was in a daze, and from time to time a girl took a fancy to his appearance and wanted to toast him. They were ignored by him. The girls walked away, and no one bothered him.

Zhu Chang followed her gaze and understood. With joy in his eyes, he rubbed his big hands and whispered to Su Kui: "Mr. Song, this is a newly signed artist of the brilliant company, how is it? The appearance is really outstanding. Those little girls like this type most. "An old aunt who is more than half a year old can easily be awakened to the motherhood deep in her heart by his pure and harmless face.

The so-called all-you-can-eat is probably the case.

Su Kuiman carelessly lifted his jaw slightly, indicating that he knew. Her eyes moved away from He Yifan, and her plain and calm appearance made people unable to understand her thoughts.

Zhu Chang sweated in his anxious forehead. Is this like it or not?

He wiped his sweat and coughed twice, "That, Mr. Song, our script ... you see ..." He blinked his small eyes, took a card from his pocket, and put his hands in front of Su Kui in a low voice Road: "How about letting him go to your room tonight?"

Zhu Chang was staring straight at the puffy eyes, and Zhu Changzai didn't feel the slightest enjoyment, but his back was cold and sweating.

What is the thought of this eldest lady? Zhu Chang was in a hurry to get angry, but there was no way. He gritted his teeth and was about to urge.

Su-kui suddenly saw a smile on the corners of Su Kui's lips, and the corners of his eyes were stained with bright colors. She put her fingers together and casually clipped the card away, and looked at him evilly, "You are sensible." She looked at the Vatican with empty eyes, "It's just that the child looks like an unworldly thing, you're sure you can Row?"

Zhu Chang was stunned first, then ecstatic! He nodded, "Yes! Why not! Song always can see him, it's his blessing!" In the entertainment circle, I don't know how many people want to be watched by Song Youshu, but she just chooses to be clean and self-righteous.

And the identity background of others is there, who dares to touch the mold easily?

Now Song Youshu took the initiative to see an artist, and no one knows what it will look like. However, Zhu Chang felt inexplicably that the boy would be in flames in the future!

Su Kui nodded, knocking on the table meaningfully, "I like strong, it is better to take the initiative, you know?"

Zhu Chang was stunned, but did not expect this lady to have such a strong taste!

He focused on the head, "Success! Mr. Song's request, Zhu must do it!" He rubbed his hands, hesitantly said: "So ... Mr. Song, our sponsorship, look?"

The white jade fingers holding the card gave Su Kui slowly lifted her eyes, and under the unpredictable lights, her eyes were unfathomable. She raised her eyebrows lightly, her lips lightened, "How come I have always been comfortable and how come, if he can make me happy, you don't need to sponsor Lao Zhu anymore, I fully support, how?"

Zhu Chang was waiting for her sentence, a thigh shot, "deal!"

In the dim and dark surroundings, Zhu Changzai quickly hummed a little song and wandered back into the crowd. Hug left and right, excited.

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