Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Why did the Brahma statue perceive something, looked up at a dim corner, but only saw a blurry figure.

He pressed the position of his heart, where there was no wave. His heart will never beating.

Looking down at his almost transparent wrist, Dai's blue blood vessels flowed under the skin. He was never injured outside, just because, his blood was blue.

He maintains the physiological functions of human beings, but has no heartbeat, and is like a living dead person, rejected by this world.

Why did Vatican read the so-called legends about zombies on the Internet, what can not see the sun, the cross, garlic, dog blood, glutinous rice, can effectively deal with zombies. When he had savings, oh, that is the currency in circulation in the world, referred to as RMB, he bought all these things back and experimented.

The results showed that he was not afraid of these things.

And feel that these things are disgusting.

Finally, why is Brahma wondering himself, what is he? People certainly don't count, can people still live after losing their heartbeat? But it is not exactly a zombie. Looking at the vowed words on the Internet, why is he not afraid of these things?

Holding his wrist, he pursed his lips.


A group of people did not leave until late at night. Like a thief, they wrapped their head tightly and walked out quietly one after another.

Zhu Chang looked at the girls with pity and walked out over themselves, regretting to sigh. Never mind! If he can succeed today, he still cares about this night?

Why did Vatican get up and sit for too long, his whole body became stiff. He greeted Zhu Chang and planned to leave. Late at night, zombies also need to rest.

Since you do n’t know what you are, let ’s call it a zombie for a while!

"Hey, wait a minute, don't rush," Zhu Chang stopped his people with his eyes, and handed over a glass of wine with a smile, "Well, your agent, Zuo Ding 咛, told me to take care of you, look at this I did n’t bother you all night? Since I ’m leaving, how about a drink with me first? ”

He raised his eyebrows and just stuffed the wine into He Yifan's hands.

Why did Vatican look at him, and when he saw him, he couldn't refuse and gently pressed his lips, "Zhu Dao, I, I don't know how to drink ..."

Once the tutoring was extremely strict, my father only hoped that he would study hard and get credit for the future. He thought that drinking was wrong and would never let him get half a drop. Thinking of his family, his eyes were dark.

Zhu Chang groaned in his heart, seeing that he hadn't started, he urged: "Hey, Xiao He, as a boy, it's okay to drink a little, you see I drank so much tonight, it's not a good standing Here? It ’s okay, the wine is not intoxicating! If you do n’t drink, do n’t give me a face! ”He glared, looking dissatisfied.

Well, just have a drink, should it be all right?

Even his father once said that in the future he would gain credit, entertain in the officialdom, and drinking is inevitable. Now, is it socializing?

Why did the water flow in the eyes of Brahma, he sighed, "I drink."

Putting the wine glass to his lips, the weird smell made him frown and barely entered, and he couldn't wait to pour all the red wine like poison.

In addition to the taste of wine, there is also a taste that I do not know. He licked the corners of his lips, his brows twitching tightly.

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