Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 1593: Big brother begs to feed (forty-eight)

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But, before that, she wanted to be fair, appear in front of the vicious woman, and solemnly told her.

She Shen Shen, came back--


Su Kui knows that the other party's identity is not simple. From his words and deeds, he can get a glimpse of one or two in his powerful ability.

In today's society, people worship the strong. In Su Kui's eyes, he is the strongest of the strong.

But she had not thought about it, his surname actually came like this--


That day, the two looked at each other quietly in the sun for a long time. Under the seemingly calm surface, they actually concealed an unstable heart.

One is anxious whether he is too reckless and will scare her or something. The other is complex emotions, and repeated hatred comes to her mind. She suppressed the unwillingness for almost two years, and finally at this moment, she couldn't hold back anymore and spouted out completely.

"Are you serious?" Su Kui asked. "Or, just give me a cover, that's all." She needs to know what the other party's attitude towards her is, so that she can correct herself. position.

In the two years since coming here, she has seen a lot of things.

Here, without the family background, she is just an ordinary person who can be bullied at will. Only when you become stronger can you really feel fear and respect.


At the end of November, it was a major event for the nobles in the upper class of the main star.

On this day, the 80th birthday of the first family, Mr. Loujialou, changed the low profile of the past, and sent invitations to the major families.

Everyone knew it well, and the information was well-informed. They learned that when Mr. Lou used to be a soldier, he left a lot of hidden diseases that could not be eradicated. Coupled with aging, the body has reached its limit.

In today's era, people's life expectancy is generally higher than before, but it does not mean that they will live forever.

Once a person is dead, everything is a life.

Various top-level coupe suspension cars are parked in the large underground garage. The tall retro European-style buildings stand tall like a castle. People stand in front of it, just like standing in front of a huge beast, full of A sense of oppression.

This is the top family that has been accumulated for thousands of years. The enviable existence, ordinary family, poor life, can not touch its threshold.


Setia wore a dark green slim dress that wrapped her sculpted figure, with huge jewel earrings on her earlobe, which reflected a dazzling light under the glorious night lights.

She got out of the car, and when Shen He walked to talk with the heads of the major families, she whispered over Shen Ming and whispered to her: "Xiao Ming, Lou's family is not an ordinary family. You can come here and have a powerful position It ’s not worse than ours. After you go in, do n’t make a temperament. If you can make a few friends, you must take care of it, okay? "

Shen Ming is not an idiot. He has prepared for this day for a long time. Naturally, it is impossible to fall off the chain at a critical moment.

He pursed his lips, exhaled deeply, and nodded, "I know, Mom, the last time I promised me, I must do it as soon as possible, okay?" He couldn't let someone who might endanger his status at any time. People appeared again.

And it is always Sai Siya who loves the child to execute the order.

Cesia nodded again and again, paying attention to Shen Ming's traffic coming and going from the Loujia door. She didn't notice. Panic in the eyes of Cesia.

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