Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 1594: Big brother begs to feed (forty-nine)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

What Shen Ming didn't know was that after he told Susia about Su Kui's thing that day, she immediately set out to investigate.

But the place of the unknown star is a famous place of decay, and the bad guys in it are all broken into the bones. If they are not the aborigines of the unknown stars, as soon as they land, they will be immediately surrounded by people, after searching for their possessions, they will find a place to kill people.

This kind of thing happens almost every day.

Even if Cesia wants to get rid of Su Kui again, to prevent future troubles. But she was just a woman, and she had to carry Shen He and Mr. Shen to avoid letting them know that all of this was done deliberately.

In the case of a lot of handcuffs, Cesia could not put in people's hands at all, and successfully mixed into an unknown star.

The group of people had no reason at all, and their minds were not stupid. They bought it with money, and they knew that this was for them to do their life.

After basically taking the money, I left.

After getting used to the life of an unknown star, and carrying the federal government's wanted order, they can't go anywhere.

Setia was caught in a strange circle, but she couldn't let Shen Ming know, otherwise, with his temperament, he must definitely do it himself.

"Okay, let's go in quickly?" Saisia ​​patted his back. When Shen He looked back, he immediately adjusted his expression, raised a gentle smile, and hurried up to catch Shen He. 'S arm whispered to Shen Ming: "I have advanced with your father. There will be many people of the same age who come to the banquet this time. You can contact them to get emotional and don't embarrass your father."

Shen He frowned, looked at Shen Ming, and didn't speak.

On the contrary, Shen Ming smiled and nodded obediently, "Yes, mom, father. Go ahead." His performance is from the eyes to the movements, all respect for Shen He, there is no trace of overstepping .

But in Shen He's view, as a father and a son, this relationship is too rusty.

"Well, it's fun," he nodded slightly, and turned away without hesitation.

In fact, often in his dreams, he would also think of the girl who was always in trouble and wayward, standing in front of him with a stubborn face and asking him why he did not trust her. I still remember when I was young, the delicate doll-like girl in a pink princess dress, holding a plush doll, ran into his bedroom with tears on his face, dragging him by the corner of the clothes and crying that he had a nightmare and did not dare A picture of sleeping alone, huddled with him.

At that time, it was such a pleasing child, why suddenly became so unreasonable and disappointing?

Cesia clearly felt that her husband's emotions were suddenly low, and he didn't even look pretty with his face.

Suddenly, she wondered whether Shen Ming was doing something wrong, which made him unhappy. But thinking about it, Shen Ming's approach is meticulous, and there is nothing wrong with it.

So, what is the reason?

With such unclear feelings, Cesia walked into Lou's banquet room. As everyone knows, there are even bigger surprises waiting for her in the back.


The Lou family deserves to be the main family of the main star. It has a history of over a thousand years. The magnificent banquet room is magnificent, and the crystal chandelier reflects the dazzling luster. Dressed in gorgeous men and women walked in the hall, strategizing, elegant sip sipping intoxicating liquor.

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