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Nie Feng thought Liu Min would thank him, however, when Liu Min reacted. The first time was not to find Su Kui for their trouble, but for themselves.


"You called the police ?!" Liu Min's eyes widened as if there was anger burning in his eyes, lined with his blood-stained face, which was very cruel.

Nie Feng covered his face, "Yes, yes ..."


Liu Min went crazy, even the deputy director and several major staff members, "Who the **** did you call the police ?!" What did the police say? He has a family, and takes actresses to the club to open a private room to drink and soak a woman, and spread it. What other faces will he have in the future?

And he has always been a good husband, a good father, and has never had a scandal with any actress. It can be said that fans are only looking for a clean life before they are willing to buy his account.

If this matter was exposed by the media, then the tall image he had previously managed would collapse instantly. Become the object of everyone's crusade, the representative of hypocrite.

Nie Feng was angry, but he couldn't offend the director, he only whispered: "Director, don't you want to call the police?"

"My mother said you will report it if you call the police? Then I will let you eat x, do you want to eat ?!" He has torn his face, he is too lazy to pretend, this vulgar look makes a group of people helpless step. He said again: "Hurry to call the police station and say you misunderstood, this matter has been resolved!"

In any case, it must not be a big deal.

"Yeah," Nie Feng accused him and reported the false alarm to enter the game. He is a public actor, and if it spreads, how will he take the show in the future?

"What's the matter, hurry up!"

"Oh, director Liu is so powerful?" Zhuo En squinted at him, seemingly smiling. "Isn't he just called to call the police? Come, he can cancel, I can help you, OK?" Said Then, he took out his mobile phone, faced Liu Min, and started dialing.

"Actually, I am a very good person. At least I am getting along very well now. As long as no one provokes me, I generally don't like to cause trouble." But if he gets caught, he is not afraid of things.

He lowered his head and fiddled with the phone. The number had been pressed. The phone was turning at his fingertips, and the hearts of a group of people were all jumping with his fingers.

Liu Min looked ugly, and learned that Nie Feng had informed the police, saying that he had read something wrong, and the police had returned. He was relieved and didn't care whether Nie Feng was summoned afterwards.

When Zhuo En said this, he sneered, "Don't forget, Mo Qingfeng's drama is still pressed in my hand. If you want to call the police, you can report it, it's a big deal, everyone's finished playing together!" He has broken the jar. .

He didn't believe it yet. Su Kuihui didn't pay much attention to this first drama.

Unfortunately, he really guessed wrong, Su Kui really did not pay much attention.

"Oh, then report it."

Su Kui raised her eyebrows and raised her hands around her chest. "Director Liu, to be a director, you still need basic ethics. You usually look at your manners and wonder why you can't catch fire. Now, I probably understand."

A person's heart character determines his future.

If he has a narrow mind, he is not destined to be a big deal. It's no wonder that at this age, they can only wander on the plots of idol pure dramas with small costs.

"How about me, I don't need you to control it!"

"Really?" Zorn's voice sank sharply. "She can't control it, then I'll control it!"

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