Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

His imposing expression shocked a group of people.

Zorn's quirk is a headache, he is the only one who can bully him. The rest of the people, even if they are the ones who did the wrong thing, do n’t care. In short, if others bully, it wo n’t work!

He didn't want to call the police anymore. When his cellphone was lost, the whole person suddenly fell sharply from a lazy state.

Outside the box at this time quickly walked in a few people, the headed man was thin, wearing a flower shirt, see Zhuo En's eyes dark and floating dark, feeling bad.

He said in his mouth: "Brother, when did you come, why didn't you call me, why did you return to our base camp, anyway, you haven't been here for so long, don't let me entertain you?"

Zhuo En sneered, "Lin Xiao'er, come with me less. I want to ask, who can't get into the night talk now?"

Lin Xiao heard that there was a cold sweat on his forehead.

"That, brother ..." He touched his head and looked at the dumb people, coughing, ignoring Zorne's feminine dress, "Is these few people offending you?"

His slender eyes looked around in the box, and soon his eyes fell on Liu Min. Obviously, he sat in the main seat and was the head of the party.

"Yo, are you?"

Liu Min didn't know anything else. Lin Xiao naturally knew that this person was one of the bosses of Yehua. He now takes care of the Yehua. The rest of the bosses are basically not here. Even if they come, they don't know.

Now, when he heard that Lin Xiao actually called this beautiful woman "brother," he secretly said that something was broken. He never expected that an ordinary agent could still be a well-known senior executive like Lin Xiao. The children are involved.

Except for Nie Feng and the deputy director, the rest of the people looked like gods and looked at Zhuoen curiously.

Anyway, they did not participate in this matter. Even if they were in trouble, they could not find them. Naturally, there is nothing to be afraid of, and Zuo En looked at all around with exquisite dressing, wearing stockings on his legs, and his legs were white and long, showing no masculinity.

So, what does this "brother" mean?

The air-conditioning in the box was full of air, Liu Min felt that the hair on his spine was all raised, he smiled and said: "Lin Shao, this is a misunderstanding, this is not a crew meeting, look at a joke, if you accidentally offended I apologize for Miss Zhuo. "


Hearing a young lady popping out of Liu Min ’s mouth, Lin Xiao could n’t help but laugh. “Miss?” He twisted his face and tried not to dare to laugh. He had to stare at Liu Min. Call Mr.! "

"Ah, what?" Liu Min was confused.

A good woman, why should he be called a sir, is there any quirk?

However, he still shouted obediently, "Sorry, Mr. Zhuo, this is a misunderstanding. I apologize to you. As for what I said, it is all a joke. Do n’t go to your heart. It ’s not too early. Otherwise, you go back to rest first? "

Su Kui looked blankly at the scene in front of him, completely ignoring Liu Ming's hand for help. This is the reality of society. If Zhuo En bullies others, he can also think about what Liu Min did.

If she is just an ordinary person, that table of wine is enough to kill her.

And the little girls in his arms who are enough to be his daughter, not to mention absolute innocence, but at least, Liu Min all started!

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