Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

What happened this time? Of course, I do n’t want to accept someone ’s apology. No matter how ugly my photos are, how close those photos look to us ca n’t be changed. The fact that I ’m not close to you is actually the case. So, I would like to ask someone why I still keep my photos after not contacting them? Don't tell me, because my charm is too big, you always miss me, so my girlfriend will be jealous.

In addition, a friend knew some computer knowledge, and saw those gossip bloggers blame me, but I found the ip of that person for me. After seeing it, emmm was very subtle and did n’t know what someone wanted to do. I Not so popular that everyone wants to come to rub the heat?

There are also photos that are irritating, and trouble gossip bloggers to delete thank you! My girlfriend was very unhappy to see that, and the bed picture in clothes, sorry, I would like to ask, when did we sleep together? ? ?

Then the content of the comparison chart that Su Kui threw out was more shocking. The first exposed photo was the blogger called the entertainment porter, and he searched according to the contributor he said, and the final IP address was obtained, and Tan Kefa The IP address of Weibo is exactly the same!

There is also a bed photo of a man lying on the bed with clothes. Su Kui also posted the original picture. I saw that the background is exactly the same, and the same clothes are worn by a man and a woman, except for the face-

Under such a look, the crowd was in an uproar.

[Lying trough, if the king does not make a noise, he will release a big joke! 】

[Gosh!] I did not expect Tan Ke to be such a person! 】

[Ha ha ha only I have always believed in the king? Also, the king ’s maintenance of his girlfriend is so cute, but are you violently infected and open-mouthed if you do n’t agree? Do n’t be too cool! 】

[That dead **** rubbed the heat enough! So demure, and the trouble of finding the king again and again, even if the two are really together? Who doesn't have a predecessor? ! 】

[Upstairs said well, there may be more than one predecessor even before ordinary people get married, why do they have to double the stars? 】

[Seeing the photo is p, I was relieved. Sure enough, I was able to hold back for so long. It seems that I have a good relationship with the king! 】

[Ha ha ha ha said someone was quite funny, and nothing happened, and people already have lovers. Send out this kind of p photos, are you asking the audience to blow his head? 】

[Send your face to face, come back again if you have the ability! 】

Su Kui did everything quietly, not even Zhuo Lie. In fact, he didn't come back after he went out, and he didn't know what he wanted to do. In fact, Tan Kefa ’s photo of the two sleeping together is true, but it just stops there.

But Su Kui has more ways to make him fake.

After going through so many generations, and going to a world where many times the technology leader is unknown, Su Kui naturally learned a good computer skills, even if it is not difficult to fabricate a photo out of nothing, not to mention that there are already templates .

Therefore, Tan Ke's photo is true, and Su Kuifa's photo is p.

But what about that? Even people who are now familiar with computers can't find flaws. Those two faces were synthesized by Su Kui himself. There are no such faces in the world!

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