Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Tan Ke, Mo Qingfeng has posted on Weibo, did you read it? I suggest you go check it out. Your comment area has been overthrown by crazy fans of Mo Qingfeng's family, and your official post, too It has already exploded and the system is paralyzed! "

Tan Ke ’s new agent called so, and knew that the artist was so uneasy. He just took over such a big thing as soon as he took over. He would n’t accept being Tan Ke ’s agent.


Tan Ke jumped in his heart, quickly opened the app, and clicked on Su Kui's Weibo.

Seeing the passage at a glance, he quickly scanned and jumped over the picture. When he saw the last picture, he exclaimed: "This is impossible!"

The photo was taken by him, he has absolute confidence that it was p, but why is this photo exactly the same as what he posted, except for the face, there is no difference!

It's not over yet, he admitted to the concealed approach, and the result was that Mo Qingfeng had just pulled it out.

The photo was indeed submitted to the gossip blogger with a trumpet, because he knew it would be hot before he dare to send it out.

But he didn't expect that Mo Qingfeng would be defeated in the end!

I thought that if there was no good solution to this matter, his consequences would make his hands tremble. After biting his teeth and switching back to his Weibo, Tan Ke made a lot of determination before clicking in.

Comment area.

[Hehehe wish you a blast in place! 】

[See others good? Then you do n’t want to feel better! 】

[Is it good not to interfere with each other? Do you have to die? 】

[I do n’t want to find a **** in the p picture, do you know that it will eventually be picked out? You have nothing to do with it? 】

[You are very interesting. You are red this time. Good luck! 】

[Too disappointed with you, has already taken the test. 】


"Fuck !!!"

With only one glance, the unsightly remarks exploded his scalp. "This is simply impossible! The photos made by Mo Qingfeng are fake!"

The agent didn't listen to this set, he smiled coldly, "Then you go to see the first search, countless ps masters have proved that your photo is fake! Tan Ke, Tan Ke, good hand I was killed by you! I tell you, this matter cannot be solved, we all have to finish it! "

He was not as good-tempered as the previous Han Chao, and he just scolded Tan Ke directly before hanging up the phone.

The phone had just hung up, and another phone call came in. Tan Ke looked down, only to feel more annoyed, but he had to be patient to answer.

I was about to speak, but did n’t give him a chance over there, "Tan Ke! What do you mean? Slap me in this incident? Which one of my sisters in my circle does n’t laugh at me? You can bear it! Wait for me! The old lady can't swallow! "

"Hey, dear, listen to my explanation--"


"Hello, hello?"

Listening to the busy sound from the phone, Tan Ke wiped his face severely, and suddenly felt that he was really doing something wrong. Since childhood, most girls have pursued him. Only he has dumped others. This is the first time he has been dumped, so he can't see Su Kui's life better than him.


In the end, can he fight her?

With a feeble power on his head, Tan Ke chaoticly took the car key out and went to the bar.

But he didn't realize that when he drove away, there was a black car behind him quietly.


Early the next morning, Tan Ke felt dizzy, and his body seemed to be no longer his own.

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