Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Squeezing the cigarette, he took a hard breath, and the inferior tobacco entered the lung cavity, burning pain. He smiled masochisticly, throwing his still-burning cigarette **** under his feet, stamped out one foot, wrapped his coat again, stepped on the roadside wet by rain, and disappeared among people.

Su Kui filmed for thirty years and contributed countless classics to the entertainment industry. Finally, when she was in her fifties, she announced her withdrawal from the entertainment industry.

Countless fans struggled to keep it, but Su Kui's mind was decided, and she didn't plan to let her lover follow her around. In the future, she only wanted two people to be together.

At the age of sixty, the two walked hand in hand on the streets of New York, with gray hair and fashionable clothes. The face that could not hide the traces of years was calm.

The sunlight above the dome reflected the reflection of the two people holding hands on the ground, pulling it very long and very long.

The years have never changed.


Name: Su Kui

Age: 22

Skin condition: skin as curd

Charm value: 7/10

Experience: 15000/100000

Exchange point: 24000/1 billion

Su Kui looked at this attribute panel and smiled bitterly. After so long, the exchange points were getting less and less. It took her 20,000 points to change the resurrection potion. Not distressed, but very helpless.

Now she can only pin her hopes on the system upgrade. After the upgrade, the experience and exchange points should double again.

Otherwise, if you do this, she really doesn't know which day is the end.


Six years in Chengde, early spring in February, the first warm and cold.

On the Qingshi Road in Jinling, a plain green wagon drove slowly and slowly, and finally stopped outside a tea house.

The storyteller in the tea house was spitting, and he was talking up, holding a handful of awake in his hand, and knocking on it from time to time. The tea house was shabby and the cold wind screamed, but the guests inside raised their ears and listened.

Most of the insiders are out-of-town businessmen who listened to this story for the first time, but most locals were tired of hearing it. Hearing that the storyteller was talking about it again, he shook his head and walked away.


"Everyone who fights sharply, passes by the officials, and listens to the scholars. I thought that when Qin Bing came to commit crimes, he had hit the hinterland, and then went to the two castles inside, and then he would hit the Imperial City of Kyoto. Not enthroned yet, he personally led his troops to meet the enemy, but was deeply surrounded. At this moment, a gentleman who claimed to be a descendant of Zhuge appeared to make plans for the Holy Spirit. Eventually, with fewer enemies, Qin Bing was swept back in one fell swoop! "

The foot merchants were amazed and asked, "What then? Then?"

The scholar touched the goatee with a smile, "Then, then the gentleman, as he came, left quietly and retired without success and fame!"

"Ah? Is this true?"

"Well, I listen to Xuanhu."

"Well, don't believe it, see the officer. You just ask a commoner in Jinling to know it. You knew this thing when we were standing with Qin Bing, but it was in Lincheng! Many people saw it with their own eyes. That sir. "

"Oh? What does that gentleman look like?"

"What does it look like, it's a fairy spirit, and a fairy looks like a character!"

The foot traders heard and were amazed. They whispered to each other, obviously trusting them a bit.

The scholar was proud and took a sip of tea, so complacent.


Teahouse shop Xiao Er leaned against the counter and took a nap. He was trembling and woke up, rubbed his arms, and saw a carriage parked outside the teahouse. His eyes lit up, and he greeted him.

"Objective, but you want to drink tea?"

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