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As soon as he spoke, the heavy car curtain slightly opened, and a girl dressed as a little girl jumped from the top and asked, "What kind of tea do you have here?"

Dian Xiaoer took advantage of the effort to lift the curtain, glanced quietly, and saw a girl with white snow, red lips and black hair sitting in a trance.

The maid was dissatisfied and gave her a second look. "Where do you look at this eye! Do you want to do this business or not!" She akimbo and looked fierce.

Dian Xiao Er was stunned by her, and the girl of the big house was really bad, but after a glance, he looked like he was going to pluck his eyes at any time. It was really sturdy.

But this tea house is not his, he is just a run away, the shopkeeper is still sitting in the fire, if he sees that he offends the guests, he may not open himself.

He hurriedly bowed his head and replied: "This girl, our tea house is shabby, there is no good tea, I don't know what you want to drink? Ordinary tea is still available."

When the lady heard this, she frowned very hard and turned her head to the inside of the car: "Miss, look ..."

Dian Xiaoer raised his ears and heard a lazy voice from the car. "Don't have tea, let him pour a pot of hot water to fill it. The money should be given to the feet, Yinger, and no bullying is allowed."

She turned out to be Yinger.

Shop Xiaoer snickered, was counted, deserve it!

Ying'er rolled his eyes when he saw his villain, but said: "Miss, how can the slave girl bully you, wait in the car for a while, and the slave girl will follow this little boy to make tea!"


He was disappointed when he heard this, and thought he could see the woman in the car, but he didn't want to, and they didn't even plan to come down.

However, at that glancing glance, he still firmly carved into his heart.

Jinling is a big place, but the gap between rich and poor is also huge. The rich and the rich have always looked at people with their heads raised. Where would they look at these poor people? Ordinary people, with their very poor lives and hard work, may not have the money they spent in January.

Feeling lost, Dian Xiao Er took Yinger into the water.

In the car, the woman yawned lazily, holding an exquisite small oven, leaning on the slumber and dozing. Do n’t look at the plain looking outside of the carriage. In fact, the device inside is very comfortable and warm. The thick curtain blocks the cold wind. The four feet in the carriage are also placed with several ovens, which gradually radiate heat.

This person was Su Kui who had just worn it here.

The original name was Shen Ronghe, a daughter-in-law of the Shen family of Jinling's big family, and there was a younger brother below. Parents love, therefore, Father Shen has no concubine, a huge family business, only one child and one daughter.

Shen's mother was in a bad shape. Shen Rongjin, the younger brother of Shen Ronghe, broke her body and hanged herself on various precious medicinal materials. She barely lived for a few more years and let go.

Father Shen lost his beloved wife all at once, grieved with grief, unwilling to take care of his family's business, and worked hard for two years. He contracted typhoid fever last winter and never stood up again after falling down.

Shen Ronghe was weak in character, because her father had taken care of her family before, and her mother was sick, so she did not teach her any knowledge of management. As soon as Shen Shen went, she couldn't take the blow and fell ill.

The grandmother's house heard this and specially sent her to Kyoto to recuperate. She even greeted the head of the Shen family. Shen Rong and her grandmother's family would teach her in the future.

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