Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Hey--" Yuan Qi was unhappy, "What do you mean by her? I'm ugly growing up?" Everyone was rushing towards him, only this girl, not only did not find a little admiration from her The color is a bit dismissive.

Young Master Yuan was hit and asked Jin Wang with a wounded face.

King Jin also naturally saw this scene, his thin lips slightly hooked, his deep eyes fell on the figure, his eyes were unclear. When Yuan Yuan looked over, he took his gaze back slowly.

Yunyue was looking at King Jin. She met King Jin in Zuixianlou a few days ago. At that time, she started to ask if she was interested in cooperating with herself in doing business. Many of her in the modern society, they are here to do it, if there is no backstage, she can not do it for a long time.

Moreover, King Jin did not look bad. True, Yunyue did not deny that he still had some thoughts about the two.

In particular, King Jin himself did not have a big shelf. He talked and did things gently. Unlike Yuan Qi, there was no gentleman to do school. Naturally, she felt a little bit. In modern times, if she has the right to have money and grows well, she certainly can't even think about it. But now, opportunities are in front of you, and your identity is not low. If the other party likes you, then they are together, there is really no barrier at all.

However, she didn't expect that the first person the other party saw was Shen Ronghe hidden behind everyone.

In memory, they only have a short side of the relationship, could it be that the other party is also a man who judges people by appearance, and only values ​​skin?

The hands on her side kept tightening, and her expression kept changing.

Su Kui knew nothing about what was going on. The emperor called everyone to stay flat, and the banquet continued. This time, the emperor called King Jin to his side.

Although the two are not from a mother, the relationship is the best of all the brothers. Of course, this is also a happy king with Jin King, and it is inseparable without asking the Korean government.

"Jingxuan, come here."

King Jin walked over and showed helplessness, knowing that his emperor brother would start to count again.

Sure enough, the emperor said: "Jingxuan, you are now twenty, and there are no concubines besides a few concubines in the house. How can you tell me how to say you?"

"Brother, I ..." Jin Wang wanted to say that he was not in a hurry, so he listened to the emperor raising his hand to interrupt him. "You are not in a hurry! I'm in a hurry! Although you can't be addicted to female sex, you have such a clear heart. How do I open up the leaves for my royal family? If the father and the emperor are still alive, it must be the first one to refuse! So, tonight, no matter what, you have to choose a princess for me to come out! "

The emperor's words were firm, and King Jin was not allowed to escape.

King Jin frowned, but the girls present were all refreshed, Princess Jin! what does this mean? !

Although the King of Jin had no real power, he was the emperor ’s most important younger brother. Especially the emperor was young and his sons were still young. Therefore, these young ladies knew that there were three thousand beautiful women in the palace. If they went in, they were destined to stay alive.

But to become a princess is different. The identity is noble, and there is an absolute right to speak in the palace.

Therefore, when I look at the King of Jin at this time, I am completely looking at a piece of sweet pastry, or a piece of sweet pastry.

Su Kui's enjoyment of watching was so overwhelming. After being bored for so long, he finally found something interesting to watch. She propped her chin, playing with delicate teacups, and her eyes fell slowly on the high seat.

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