Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

So, who will Jin Jin choose in the end?

With her butterfly wings, will Jin Jin still choose Yunyue as Princess Jin? She is more curious about this.

But, suddenly, a hostile gaze fell on her, Su Kui engaged in some inexplicable, and then followed his eyes to see who the man is, and I do not know what to say. Yunyue? Why is she hostile to her, and she won't grab a man with her.

He raised his eyebrows and didn't think much.

Everyone on the scene couldn't help breathing, waiting for the choice of King Jin. The emperor had already made plans, and if King Jin did not choose one this time, he must give him marriage. After all, her mother complained and cried with her all day long. She kept saying that King Jin was alone, and she refused to marry. When would she see such words as her grandson.

Although it was not the same concubine as the Queen Jin, the Queen Concubine Jin gave birth to him. He grew up next to the current Queen Mother, just like her own child. The emperor had to do it anyway with his mother, so why not force the king to marry?

"Brother, can this matter be slow again?" Jin Wang looked a little embarrassedly at the stage and saw a group of girls looking at his gaze, then he could not help but twitched his mouth.

"No!" The emperor glanced coldly at him, "If you can't make up your mind, I personally help you choose how to do it, according to my opinion ..."

Seeing that he was about to say a name, King Jin said quickly: "Brother! Don't worry, brother, in fact, his brother already has a favorite woman, this time, I hope the brother will give marriage!"

"Oh?" The emperor raised his eyebrows and carefully looked at the look of King Jin. Although he was a little helpless, he didn't have much resistance and couldn't help but wonder. Could it be that this free and easy brother finally has a favorite woman? "Who is it?" He asked.

Everyone is waiting for Jin Wang's answer.

Su Kui saw Yunyue's eyes fall on her again. This time, Su Kui wanted to ask Yinger if there was anything wrong with her clothes, otherwise why Yunyue kept staring at her, would it not be love Fuck her?

But the next second, another sight also fell on her. After seeing who the man was, Su Kui's smile stiffened.

King Jin, he sees what he does.

At the next moment, there was an answer. I saw King Jin looking at her, smiling unclearly, and said to the emperor: "Brother, the woman your brother likes is Miss Yunfu's watch, Jinling, Shen Ronghe! "


All the people present were well-informed, and I had a thorough understanding of Su Kui's identity, but I didn't expect that there were so many ladies present who did not choose the king, but chose a daughter of a merchant. she was?

The eyes of everyone turned on Su Kui's face, and I have to admit that this Miss Yunfu's watch really looked like a natural beauty, which would make King Jin be fond of, and it was not unreasonable.

However, there were many good-looking people on the scene. At this time, even the emperor was stunned.

"You said it, but is it true?"

Although the emperor gave Jin the great choice to allow him to choose his favorite princess, it does not mean that he is willing to let him choose a daughter of merchants as the princess.

To be honest, as Su Kui's identity at this moment, he became a princess, and it was indeed a high climb.

Yunyue clenched her fists and always suspected things. At this moment, it was verified. Jin Jin really chose Shen Ronghe!

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