Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

If she really came to the capital and became Princess Jin, where else could she stand? Originally, one was in Beijing and the other was in Jinling. Even if both of them passed through the female, the ancient horses and carriages were slow and far away. If it was not deliberate, it might not be seen in this life.

However, if she is in the capital, the result is different. If you look up, you do n’t see it. Shen Ronghe is bound to make her business in Kyoto. Then, what does it mean to join forces with Jin Wang?

Su Kui didn't need to look back, he knew he was being stared at by Yunyue.

King Jin looked at Su Kui again, focusing on his head, "Yes! Brother Huang hopes to complete!" He said firmly with a fist.

Rather than find someone who has never met, only knowing the three obedience and the four virtues, the woman embroidering in the boudoir, it is better to find a person who has a relationship and has a funny personality as a princess.

Yuan Qi was stunned when he heard Jin King say this. When he reacted, he looked at Su Kui and then Jin King. I do n’t know when these two men gave up their lives.

Fortunately, the emperor also knew to ask Su Kui's opinion, "How did Miss Shen feel?"

Naturally, she was unwilling. She had to open her mouth without thinking, just opened her lips, and suddenly heard a voice in the distance, "I disagree."

It's him--

Su Kui's eyes lit up, and knew that he would see him again, but did not expect that the two would meet in such a scene. Moreover, how could Mo Qianqiu come to the palace?

However, the doubt did not last long, and soon, someone gave her the answer.

I saw all the civil and military officials present, bowing and clenching fists in unison, saluting people and saying, "Congratulate Emperor Master."

Even when the emperor saw the arrival, he got up and greeted him with a bit of intimacy, "Teacher, why are you here?"


Yinger had no idea how to react at this time. How did their young lady Mr. Teacher, who picked up home, suddenly become the emperor's teacher? Moreover, the husband does not seem to be very old. About thirty years old, he is only a few years older than the emperor. How can he learn to be an emperor ’s teacher?

Yinger whispered in her heart, but Su Kui smiled at the corner of her lips, and Yingying looked at the man above the platform.

Devil Weeping followed behind Mo Qianqiu respectfully. Mo Qianqiu was separated from the crowd, her eyes glued on her body, and she repeated a eloquence in her mouth, "There are not many words that can be said under the Hall of King Jin. Probably agree. "

"This, this is ..." Yunyue's eyes widened and she looked at Su Kui without jealousy. The King Jin asked her to be her princess in front of the emperor. Now, she originally thought that she was just an ordinary teacher. He suddenly became the emperor teacher!

This woman's life is so good!

Yuan Qi quietly pulled the sleeve of King Lajin and whispered quietly, asking: "Jing Chen, when did you mess with God Master? Also, what is the relationship between Miss Shen and the Emperor Master?" Nearly ten years old, and the emperor's teacher has been incognito in these years, as a woman, how can you know the emperor's teacher when you can't walk out of the gate?

How much is this girl's body still intriguing?

King Jin's face was stiff. His eyes fell on the girl in the distance. When she saw her holding her chin, there was no fear on her face. Instead, she had a little more interest. She didn't know that she had become the object of discussion at this moment.

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