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Seeing the boss being so calm, the rest of them were also infected and settled down one after another.

Then it reacted, what did the phrase "I happen to be intentional" in Su Kui's words mean. The first restaurant, is it possible to know that Arta will deliberately exclude them and preemptively?

Well, the boss is very witty and likes it!


Rani panted out of the mount, standing in front of the sign in the town of Fez, looking at Luke youzai with hands on his hips, rolled his eyes, "Hey, Luke, now you can tell me, come Why is it the town of Fez? "

After traversing for a full five or six days, there was basically no rest on the way. If they were not swordsmen and magicians, and they were physically strenuous, it would have long been known that they were dead and sluggish.

Every time he thinks about this, he rolls his eyes involuntarily, sighs that the friend is careless and the friend is careless!

Luke looked at the sign in the town of Fez and was relieved. After so long, he had to vomit himself. But thinking about being able to eat good food is all worthwhile. He shrugged and did n’t hide anymore, "I saw sn had a new anchor some time ago, um, very capricious, do n’t ask for gifts and do n’t sell || Sao, and can be a fan anytime, anywhere. Of course, this is not the point, the point is -"

"Come on, don't you say that ?!" Lanny shook his fist like steel, feeling he could not restrain himself, and really wanted to punch his fist on his handsome self-proclaimed face.

"Okay, okay, I said, of course, because the anchor opened a gourmet restaurant in the town of Fez."

Lanny, who was already mentally prepared and waiting to receive the big news, glared wide. "You, you just dragged me for five days for this matter, just to eat? !!!" , What if he really wants to kill now!

Can't help but hold the matching sword, Luke saw it, and immediately raised his hands, "Hey, don't be impulsive, my dear, you will soon reach the destination. If it's not good, you can cut me again. Ah, let's go! "

After talking about driving the mount, the wind ran towards the town of Fez.

Joke, if caught by that Ranny who was in rage, he would have to be beaten, and thinking about it, his face could not help but pain.


The aborigines of Fez Town who were almost hit by a wind and fire leopard quickly flashed away, and touched the body that was almost knocked off, whispering, "Strange, what happened to the town of Fez in these two days? There are so many people here? "

Most of the people living in Fes Town are ordinary people who have no magic and no talent for cultivation. Usually, there are few big people who come to Fes Town in a year. Recently, it has only been a few days from all directions. Inside the town of Fez.

So, recently, the innkeeper in the town of Fes turned to a lot of people and even smiled with everyone who met them. If someone asked for directions, he would be very happy to show the way.

So, the innkeeper again numbly pointed a magician at the location of the first restaurant, and then watched the man riding the wind and fire leopard, and ran to the girl.

He whispered and couldn't help whispering, "Is the food in the first restaurant really delicious? However, what is the origin of the restaurant's boss, how come there are so many people here, is it just to eat? A meal at the first restaurant? "

Of course, he was just guessing, absolutely not thinking, his own guess is the truth.

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