Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!


Inside the first restaurant with simple decoration.

The yellowish light radiates a faint light in the slightly dim restaurant, and a light wood fragrance in the restaurant smells Ning Renxin.

At this time, the shop is no longer like the previous two days, no one patronizes. Although the waiters did not know the origin of their boss and where to find these guests, they were very happy as long as there were guests.

Business is hot, and their treatment and income will also increase. In particular, these people are all extraordinary, and they don't care that the price of the food in the store is twice that of other food stores.

Lanny chased Luke and hurried to the door, standing at the door facing the probe, and was surprised to see a lot of people sitting inside. It seems that Luke did not lie to him. With so many people, the food should taste good.

Thinking of this, the anger in his heart dissipated a little, he would become friends with Luke, also because of the food. In reality, Ibira Star has a top restaurant that serves very few foods daily, but some people still come here to get a taste of this restaurant.

As it happens, there was only the last serving left on the day, and two people robbed the food.

In the end, two people who refused to accept the fight directly fought in the restaurant, and finally compensated for the loss of the restaurant. The last portion of the food was also stampeded into garbage because of their impulse.

Since then, the two have become good friends if they don't know each other, and they will tell each other if they encounter something delicious.

"Welcome, how many are you asking?" The round-faced girl asked with a smile when she saw another guest coming home.


"Okay, two of them please, Burt, greet the guests!" She politely invited them in and turned to shout at a waiter, asking him to rush to greet the guests.

The voice was so loud that it was completely opposite to the gentle and gentle girl who was just gentle and frightened. Lani was startled and couldn't help shaking. She thought: The woman is terrible.

When I think about it, I feel that my family friends are really good!


The store has just opened. In addition to the signature dishes of spicy crispy fish, there are only five or six kinds of drinks that can be ordered.

With a blushing face, Burt took the man to an empty table and sat down. He asked softly, "Two gentlemen, this is the menu. May I ask you two to see what you want to eat."

The prices of their restaurants are quite high, and most people do n’t dare to enter, so every time Burt brings a new guest, he is afraid that he will be scared away by the price on the menu.

After carefully observing the expressions of the two of them, they were relieved when they did not change their colors. Yu Guang looked at the appearance of his boss's **** and kept occupying the doorway, holding the book in a daze.

At first, the guests felt strange and asked who she was, and after learning that it was the boss, they said nothing.

Luke heard the news and looked down at the menu with Lanny. The menu had gold characters on a black background, a dark golden lantern at the corners, and four big characters "first restaurant".

"Drink! Good word!" Luke exclaimed, seeing the purpose of his trip in the next second, and quickly said: "Come to a spicy crispy fish, and-噫? Why are there so few?"

Burt smiled, "Hello guest, the restaurant has just opened, and the boss said, starting today, one more dish will be added every day until it reaches 365 courses."

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