Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Why? Is there anything I need to find?"

Wen Yan, Su Kui's lips, looked at his face with a complex expression, "Director, is this matter related to you?" She raised her phone and showed the news on the screen to Si Yi.

Si Yi raised his eyelids and swept at random, his face slowly climbed up with a smile, not saying yes, nor saying no.

But Su Kui's heart fell to the bottom of the valley when his smile rose. She knew that he did it all the same.

"Si Yi! What on earth do you want to do? It's wrong, do you know if it's illegal?" Su Kui grieved, and the person in front of him was the man she had fallen in love with deeply, everything in his own eyes So beautiful until--

She pressed her sullen heart and stared at him with red eyes, "You should know that if this matter is exposed, everything you have now will completely disappear, you will be infamous, you will be accused, abused, please You, close your hand, OK? "

The girl ’s eyes were so beautiful, her eyes round and dark, and there was a faint splash of water when looking at him, and her eyes were a little red, like the rabbit he had raised when he was a child, innocent and simple.

The girl who has just left the university campus has no precautions against the sinister people in the society.

Si Yi's heart was beating a little bit. Under such eyes, he put down the case in his hand, raised his beautiful eyes, looked back at Su Kui's eyes, and asked softly, "Tong Ke, do you like me?" ? "

Do you like me?

It seemed as if a calm lake suddenly dropped a stone into it, and it immediately stirred up the waves, and the circles swayed open.


Of course I like it. I liked it a lot.

She pursed her lips and bite her teeth tightly, and was found, but now, she suddenly does n’t want to like it anymore. People who are so good at teasing people are the most annoying.

"No! Even if I liked it before, I will definitely not like it now!" She clasped her hands, and she replied loudly, with a firm tone, as if telling herself, yes, that's it, don't like such a person, he is not worth your liking same.

Si Yi's eyes darkened and her lips twitched, "Really? But your eyes are not like you said, Tong Ke, it's wrong to lie."

Su Kui knew his glorious history and knew that he had minored in psychology when he was in college and got a doctorate in psychology. It was too normal to find that she was careful. She stood there, did not dodge, and let his eyes look like a laser.

Say to yourself in your heart, from now on, give up like him.

Si Yi may have discovered this. He saw in her eyes a flame extinguished a little until it disappeared—

He wanted to catch nothing, but couldn't catch anything.

"Give up, even if your stepmother abused you and your ex-girlfriend betrayed you, but they only existed individually, and they have been punished. What else can you do?"

Su Kui squeezed his fingertips, his palms were sweating.

If she can't, she really doesn't want to go there. After all, they are all poor people.


"What do you know?" Si Yi suddenly became angry, punching **** the table with a sharp chest swing.

The cold light flashed in the eyes behind the lens, and the face was grim, as if trying to endure something. This look was far from the peace of the past.

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