Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Su Kui thought that his fist would fall on himself at the next moment, and he couldn't help but took two steps back, but he didn't, but took a few deep breaths and resumed his gentle manner again.

"I don't need you to persuade me to tell me what you like, and the likes in the world are false. Only those who hold the palm of your hand are your own!"

Once the love of father and mother was also, but not one year after the death of the mother, did the father come out of the heartbroken and let another woman occupy the mother's place?

The same woman, how many lie in his ears day and night to confess to him, saying that she loves him, will not leave him for a lifetime, will always be with him. But in a flash? She and another man were throwing clouds and rain on their bed.

Women are disgusting creatures!

The eyes with a touch of temperature were cold again, as was the woman in front of her, didn't you like him? The eyes that were so hot in the past can also be said to disappear and disappear, and if they don't like it, they don't like it.


He sneered and stared at Su Kui, "Want me to let go? In fact, it's not impossible. I promised my request and I let go."

"What?" She squeezed her dry lips, and she looked at him suspiciously.

His reaction is very unusual now. Su Kui's footsteps are near the door. One hand is close to the door handle. As long as he moves, he can immediately pull open the door and escape.

Si Yi did not make her wait too long, stubbornly said: "With me, I will close, and I will never find those girls in trouble again."

Clenching the hand on his thigh, he was waiting for her answer.

Do n’t you want me not to hurt those women? Then stay with me, let me see how much you can pay for me, how much you love me!

together with him?

Su Kui's eyelids jumped and her lips moved. Just when Si Yi thought she was about to nod her head, she shook her head firmly, "No, I won't be with you," this is a devil, who is happy to play with women She would n’t know that Longtan Tiger Cave was ahead, and she jumped in stupidly.

The most real reason is Su Kui's own thoughts. Si Yi is not her lover, and she cannot naturally be with him. When this matter is over, she still has to find her lover.

A hot iron stone instantly fell into the ice pond, screaming, and finally, all the temperature disappeared, and it was again dead.

Si Yi's heart was just like his eyes, and the girl in front of him refused him without hesitation.

"So, my answer may disappoint you."


The two broke up, which is the psychological answer that Su Kui had already had.

She couldn't be with Si Yi to be his plaything. Not even as a lover. She initially thought that Si Yi was her lover, because after contact, she discovered that he was familiar with the way he talked and did things.


Last week, she made a new discovery.

It was also crying and laughing. The lover had been lying under her eyelids for more than a year, and she only discovered it last week.

If it wasn't for him that he finally responded and had soul fluctuations, how long would it take to find out?

I don't know what character he will be in this life, but it will always be what she likes.


The reason why he rushed in and said that to Si Yi like a Madonna was because the previous Si Yi reaction was too dull. Su Kui came up with this method to stimulate him and promote this matter to end quickly.

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