Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

She wants to ensure that Tong Yu and Yu Shiyuan are absolutely safe in the future. Only after they are safe can Tong Ke's wish be fulfilled.

And this opportunity is in Si Yi. The best result is that he gets the punishment he deserves, and those girls can no longer be threatened by the person.


After a lapse of one week, Qin Zhenghan called Su Kui again and repeated the last request.

Ask her to work as a caregiver for Qin Zhengyue and go to Qin's house to take care of him.

As for the reason, he hired several nurses, male and female, in addition to scrubbing his body every day, according to the doctor's advice, read him the current news and put some music.

Everyone is looking forward to when he wakes up. But the result was very disappointing. Apart from moving in the hospital, he slept again, letting his loved ones call by his ears, he didn't respond at all.

When Qin Zhenghan thought about contacting Su Kui, he felt that the girl had a good character and personality. More importantly, she was the nurse assistant who gave the surgeon a doctor. If you can let her agree to work as a nurse for Qin Wuyue, it must be more professional than other nurses who know nothing about it.

Su Kui did not shy away this time and nodded in agreement.

But there is a requirement, according to Tong Ke's character, she certainly does not want to give up a stable job. So Su Ku asked Qin Zhenghan to greet the hospital and keep her job until Qin Wuyue woke up. If she no longer needed her, she could continue to come back to work.

Si Yi's excitement here is also enough. Presumably, it won't take long before he can stop it.

If he came to find her again, the video left by Su Kui would be of use.


Hospital, duty room.

The night was very dark, and today it was Su Kui's turn again. After a long time, she also adapted to the working hours of this intensity.

The door of the duty room was pushed open, and the voice of the man Qingyue rang in his ears, and his tone appeared strange in the air filled with the smell of cold disinfectant water. "I heard that you are going to work as a nurse for Qin Wuyue?"

Many people call Qin Wuyue the Qin Wuye, because the other party's status, and his ability, is respected as a "ye".

But apparently Si Yi sneered at the sound of Qin Wuye and called it directly by his name, very casually.

Su Kui nodded, "Well, this is my last duty."

"Will you come back?" Si Yi asked, pulling his eyelids.

"Not necessarily, maybe, maybe not," replied like this, in fact Su Kui has decided not to come back.

Even if he continues to be a doctor in the future, he will not work in this hospital.

Su Kui is a natural hedonist. Such high-intensity work is obviously not suitable for her lazy temperament.

Su Kui didn't notice that with the export of her sentence, Si Yi's eyelids twitched, and the fundus was dull and unclear, as if there was a black mist spreading on the dark fundus.

Will not come back-

Are you hiding him? But where can you hide?

He hooked his lips, sneered, and said quietly: "Well, I wish you a happy life in the future, goodbye, Tong Ke."

"Thank you."

Su Ku frowned at the end of the sentence, and when she saw Si Yi was leaving, she kept talking, "Can't you really let that girl go? Finally, I advise you not to hurt the innocent girl anymore! You Do n’t you fear me to expose your hypocritical face ?! ”

After hearing it, Si Yi waved his hand and did not look back. "Then expose me."

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