Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2173: The Night Servant of the Elf Queen (26)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

When the two had just sat down, Clay didn't even have time to breathe the fragrance from her, and Joshua came over with a shy face. With a trace of embarrassment on his handsome face, he asked her softly and quietly. : "Betty, can I invite you to dance? I, I really ..."



Two voices sounded together, the former is Clay, the latter is Su Kui.

Su Kui smiled helplessly, she knew that Clay cared about herself very much, but Joshua showed great strength today, and she knew that Joshua would shoot because of her. Su Kui doesn't like to owe human affection. Since he asked to dance, why not dance with him?

"His Royal Highness--" Clay's two different pupils grew stranger in the moonlight, watching Su Kui and complaining silently.

Su Kui patted his straight back and motioned him to relax. Man said: "Clay, relax, no one will hurt me here, don't be too nervous, okay? It's just a dance, I'll go back with you after jumping, is it okay? "

Just a dance--

How do you know that it is just a dance? Clay's eyes were dark and unclear, and he looked at Joshua indifferently, and led the girl to the center of the campfire. The elves sang beautiful songs and accompanied them.

The elves were completely immersed in the party, singing in the air, and they did not go away for a long time.

Among these people, only two have different thoughts.

Lilith admits that Joshua is a very good person. After saving her, her concern for her along the way is easy to fall into. It's easy to have a good impression on him. He knows how to do it that will arouse good feelings. Even if Lilith itself is a demon, even if it is a devil, it is not born with blood and darkness.

Before coming to the elf tribe, Lilith really did not think so much. She only wanted to invade the Hall of Light through Joshua's hand, but never thought about killing Joshua.

But now--

A trace of blood flashed under her eyes, her hands tightened.

If she can't get it, then she doesn't mind ruining it!


"Huh? Where is Clay?"


After finishing dancing, Su Kui refused Joshua ’s request for another jump, and wanted to return to Clay as soon as possible, but found that he had disappeared.

what's the situation?

Without any further thought, Su Kui walked back to the palace on his own.

However, from beginning to end, Clay was not seen. When sinking himself into the warm spring water, Su Kui still didn't like it. As usual, when he looked up, he could see Clay's figure not far away, and now, there was only a dark and cold.

He was angry--

Su Kui sighed and floated up from the bottom of the water. The cool air cleared her mind.

Putting the wet blond hair behind his head, Su Kui just wanted to go ashore, and suddenly a pair of obviously men's arms came from behind.

Su Kui was startled, "Who?"


The magnetic sound rubbed her ears, Su Kui bounced, panicked for no reason. She moved her body, but found that her spiritual power was limited, and she couldn't make it out!

"who are you?!"

The voice Su Kui had never heard before, a bit deeper than Clay's voice, and the tone of voice was indifferent to danger, as if the beast was hunting, slowly teasing the prey that could not escape the palm of his hand!

At the moment, Su Kui is his prey--

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