Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2174: The Night Servant of the Elf Queen (27)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Su Kui wanted to look back to see who the man was behind, but the man obviously moved faster, and couldn't help her big eyes covering her eyes, blocking her view.

"Let me go! Damn it!"

Su Kui's small white face is now blushing. When she was treated in this way, in addition to not knowing how to be good, she also carried the restraint that could not escape.


The man's cold fingers swam over her shoulders, and even the breath he exhaled was cold. "Small sound, shouting my voice dumb, I'm going to feel distressed—"


Su Kui looked up, the temperature in the hot spring was getting higher and higher, she was trapped in her broad chest, almost unable to breathe.

Even if she did not know what the man wanted to do, she felt faintly in her heart that she must not be allowed to succeed, otherwise she would lose everything.

Therefore, she struggled desperately.

"Let me go! Who the **** are you!"

"How did you come in, let go, or I'll call someone!"

"Clay, Clay—"

"Huh, good boy, be quiet," the man nodded her vermilion lips ambiguously, and Su Ku couldn't make a sound.

"Claico will not come to save you. In fact, no matter how you yell, no one will come to save you. Tonight, you are mine!"

As this domineering icy low voice fell, a hot murmur mixed with pain in the hot spring, and then Su Kui felt that the air around him was chaotic, vague, and did not know where he was.


When she opened her eyes again, the sky was bright and shone on her.

Su Kui moved his sore body, his waist seemed to be crushed by giants, and he felt the strength to move his fingers.

She was lying on the shore, her body had been cleaned up, and she put on a white robe. The gold thread kneaded with gold was finely embroidered with complicated and gorgeous vine patterns. Su Kui found that this was not her clothes.

In fact, she hasn't even seen anyone wear it like this in the elf tribe.

Thinking of what the man did to her last night, she blushed her eyes, bit her lips, pulled off her robe and threw it away.

"His Royal Highness, did you sleep here all night?"

Clay came in a hurry, looking worriedly at Su Kui, who had just put on his clothes. A pair of heterochromatic pupils were faintly worried.

Su Kui looked at him violently, suddenly stretched out his hand, and slapped it with a slap.


Crisp applause echoed by the empty pool, Su Kui's **** were undulating violently, and the corner of his lip broke a mouth, which was bitten by the man's violence last night.

"Where did you go last night?" She asked.

The fingers are shaking uncontrollably, why not come to rescue her! If, if he were, he would not have no resistance, be humiliated by the unknown man.

The picture of struggling in the palm of a man all night was like a nightmare.

Clay's face was missed, he didn't raise his hand to press, and even the corners of his lips were broken by his teeth. He just looked up quickly to see Su Kui's expression, and when he saw that she was wearing a high-necked robe and could not cover the ambiguous red marks, her calm face finally had a crack.

"His Royal Highness, you--"

"What the **** is going on!" He asked, pursing his lips.

"As you can see." Su Kui lowered her eyelashes and her lips fluttered. "Sorry, Clay."

She shouldn't be so impulsive.

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