Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2472: Don't touch the wild of Laozi (4)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Su Kui raised her eyebrows, would she sing herself, would she not know that there was an out of tune?

Although her voice conditions are good, she sings and never tunes in one sentence. What if she does n’t know?

Therefore, she patted the shoulder of the boy in front of her with a smile, and asked, "Student, who gave you the courage and praised me for singing? Liang Jingru?"

Boys with pimples and black frame glasses: ...

The classmates who hadn't left yet heard this sentence and immediately laughed.

"Hahahaha, yes, everyone who has heard Yunxi sing knows that she sings out of tune, you praise her for singing nicely, what kind of mentality!"

"But Yunxi, he is right, when will you start the live broadcast!"

"Let's broadcast live, I will reward you!"

Most of those who say this are boys.

The rest of the girls were either jealous, or looked at the scene with disdain and sneered.

I do not know whether it is the superficiality of the smiling boys, or the joke that Su Kui can only rely on this set to win attention.

"Anxious fart? The live broadcast will definitely be on, it is estimated that in a few days, remember to come and watch!"

After she finished, she took Tang Babe out of the classroom.

The girls behind turned their lips together and could n’t help rolling their eyes. They thought they had n’t broadcast live for a few days.

Even looking at her short haircut, she felt that even her hair was silky, with a kind of anger that hooked up with men.

Su Kui had nowhere to refute what kind of picture he saw in his eyes, and he was too lazy to bother.

It's just that Tang Bae is sorry for her, "Yunxi, why did you cut your hair, what a pity, staying so long!" It's not easy to grow longer.

She touched herself for half a year before growing her shoulder hair.

Su Kui shrugged and didn't quite understand her concerns. "From the beginning! I won't do that kind of live broadcast in the future, too annoying!"

"So what do you want to do?" Baby Tang tilted his head and didn't remember that his roommate had other talents.

Although she couldn't bear to crack down on her, Tang Babe said, "If you don't broadcast live, how can you make money? Without money, there is no living expenses. Didn't you say that working too tired?"

"It doesn't have to be such a live broadcast of selling faces, we can change the way, go, I invite you to dinner!"

Su Kui grabbed Tang Babe's neck and led someone into a hot pot restaurant.

Upon hearing the food, Tang Babe secreted saliva in his mouth, and immediately threw the problem just out of Jiu Xiaoyun.

Probably in the heart of eating goods, there is nothing, can't it be solved by eating? If there are, then two meals!

Eat until it can be solved!

This meal was basically eaten by Tang Babe, and Su Kui was adding food and meat to her.

After eating, Baby Tang was paralyzed in a chair, holding a big belly, as if she was pregnant in October. She was so full that she didn't want to move even one finger.

In the end, Su Kuilian dragged her before taking her home.

At night, Baby Tang ate in her bed, and it was rare that she hadn't bothered her.

As for Su Kui, he became familiar with the game called "Glory of the King" played by Sheng Shiyi. Its predecessor was a mobile game. Later, due to the fire, it slowly developed and developed a terminal game.

This game is now playing in the prosperous world.

The reason why Su Kui did not broadcast live these days is because he is familiar with the operations inside.

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