Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2473: Don't touch Laozi's field (5)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Although there is the memory of Yunxi in my mind, the other party's technology is basically the pick of the dish, which is the existence of being beaten in the game.

Otherwise, how could she be trained as an ultimate sprayer, and she didn't recognize the food she cooked, if anyone dared to scold her, she could spray the other party to hang up.

What I don't understand from outside, thinks how simple she is, or a white lotus in disguise.

Probably the only one who knows her, that is, the daring Tang baby. Basically, she can often hear Yunxi spraying with each other while playing games while playing games in the room.

Basically, those words involving the eighteen generations of the ancestors, and even various organs, she listened to herself, and did not know where Yunxi, a petite, cute and pure girl, learned from.

As for Yunxi, attribute her talents to her mother who loves playing mahjong.

Yunxi's family is in the country, and his family has a simple population. Dad died when she was three years old. My mother raised her. The only hobby is to gather aunts and rub the linen together.

And the woman in the country, who would n’t scold the street?

Yunxi's mother is even more outstanding among them. A sharp mouth is enough to scold people who do not want to live in this world.

Yunxi's talent is the result inherited from her, which has been affected since childhood.


Now, Su Kui's good inheritance did not succeed, the bad inheritance came.

She was originally playing games, and when she met her teammates, she was like being a sprayer. Now, this skill has been brought to the extreme.

"Lying trough monkey, you are in the wild area, and you have picked Ganoderma lucidum? Will you come to support?"

"You descendants are so counseling, why don't you just return to the spring and don't come out?"

"Hey tank, you are a big brother of meat, hide behind adc, you might not be mentally retarded!"

"If this game can kill teammates, I would rather play a five or one, and I don't want to be friends with Silly!"

Baby Tang turned over and felt that if his roommate was cursing today, it seemed to be a step up.

Obviously without a dirty word, it makes people hear how annoyed she is.

Su Kui is really big. She is still hovering in platinum. At first, she was in gold, thinking that stupidity was only limited to gold. After reaching the high rank, the teammates met would not be so pitted at least.

In fact, she really thought too much.

This game has no pits, only pits!

In a game, either encounter hang up or encounter spray.

Even, she took the wild position, but ad ran to grab the wild with her. If she hit the wild, ad directly betrayed his teammates, hung up in the spring, and reported the enemy's position to the enemy.

In this case, Su Kui was very difficult and rose to Diamond Five.

Finally opened the door to a new world.

Not easy, not easy.

Su Kui grunted and sipped his throat, and planned to continue spraying when he encountered stupidity.

However, this time luck was unexpectedly good.

Teammates are very powerful.

In addition to Su Kui, with another mid laner called No. 14, the remaining three are in three rows.

Since it's easy to know, at least, shouldn't they pit themselves?

At the beginning, Su Kui really thought so.

She still takes the jungler's position. In recent days, she has basically figured out the skills and positions of the heroes in this game.

Finally, she found that she still likes this kind of hero that can drive the rhythm of the audience and output an explosion without having to die in a line.

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