Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2631: Sister transformation plan (eighteen)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Smelly girl, you still run very fast! Run, run for me again!"

In the afternoon in the school toilet, the picture of Su Kui hitting with a mop was still vivid, and it made her lose her face.

"What's the situation?" Lu Wei frowned, glancing at Su Kui.

Su Kui pouted and slipped into the road behind Lu Wei.

Tong Yu was smart when she was young, and she jumped all the way up. Like Tong Xiang, who was 13 years old and went to the 5th grade, she was only 10 years old.

Lu Wei was the same age as Tong Xiang, and Su Kui later learned that, but Lu Wei was tall and tall, even if he stood with an adult, except for the slenderness of some teenagers, his height was not bad.

"Well, this group of female gangsters want to hit me!"

Su Kui pouted, hiding behind Lu Wei and grimacing at them.

The annoyed girl stomped her feet hard and gritted her teeth: "Smelly girl, you have a way to get out of me! What is the skill of hiding and hiding, aren't you tolerant ?!"

That was when weapons were used for self-defense. Now she is a baby and can't fight.

"Hey, Yuan Ling, don't go too far! Didn't the two of our sisters provoke you? Don't be entangled! It's a big deal to the teachers and parents!"

Tong Xiang clenched his bag tightly, staring at several people coldly.

She is not afraid of death, even less afraid of these people.

If it were n’t for Tong Yu, it ’s a big deal, who is afraid?

"I said you provoke me, you just provoke me, get acquainted, kneel and give me an apology, this matter is over! Otherwise, I will see you once and beat you once!"

"Wow, so fierce, I'm afraid of death!" Su Kui rolled his eyes and grabbed the road-rising down jacket, only protruding a head, and threw his tongue at Yuan Ling.

Reluctantly, Lu Wei pressed her restless head backhand and asked lightly, "So, you just want to beat them because you don't like them?"


Yuan Ling just paid attention to Su Kui and Tong Xiang, and raised her eyes, and found that she was talking to her, actually a teenager who looked like a movie star. He was so handsome and cold-faced, so cool!

"This matter has nothing to do with you, hand over the stinky girl behind you!"


The young and handsome figure stood firmly in front of the girl who only reached her shoulders. His white face was cold. His eyes were colder in winter than cold. "What if I'm partial?"

"You—!" Yuan Ling was anxious, standing in front of such a boy, she almost didn't know where to put it, and she couldn't pull Su Kui out by herself.

The two sides froze for a while, and the driver hid in the car to watch the excitement, and did not come out.

It's better for children to solve their own problems, as long as their young master is fine, and the rest is casual.

A few girls, the driver believes that the road crisis can still be settled.

"Okay, let's go to Japan and take a look!"

"Let's go!" Yuan Ling stared at Su Kui fiercely, turned around and left, deliberately bumped Tong Xiang, and bumped her into a stagger.


The girl patted her small breasts, and the adult seemed to pat Lu Wei's arm. With her voice that would make people laugh as long as she opened her mouth, she said, "Thank you, Lu Wei, Da En, I'm not grateful, let's go ~! "

"That's it?" Lu Wei was speechless.

"Otherwise you?" Su Kui tilted his head and strangely said: "We are at the same table, it's difficult to be at the same table, of course we have to help each other! Thank you, heroes, bring you sugar for tomorrow, bye ~!"

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