Transmigrated Female Support: Male God, Addicted to Teasing

Chapter 2632: Sister transformation plan (19)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Who wants to eat your sugar?

Lu Wei took a deep breath of cold winter air. The fresh air entered his lungs, and his brain followed a lot of clarity.

Looking at the two sisters in tandem, the pink-tooting girl carrying a school bag of the same color, leaping away, his eyes dark as midnight, with a little smile on his eyes.

The driver saw it, his eyes flickered.

"Master, was that the same as yours?"

"Well, let's go."

Lu Wei sat in the car, leaned into the back of the chair, and closed his eyes to relax.

A glance of comfort in the driver's eyes, it's good, it seems that the decision to transfer the young master to school is correct.

The Lu family is not an ordinary family, and the situation is complicated. Since the early days of road crisis, the behavior is different from that of ordinary people. The so-called Zhiduo near demon can basically be expressed in road crisis.

Only in junior high school, he has already taught himself high school courses.

The old man of the Lu family thinks of him as an eyeball.

Later, Lu Wei's mother committed suicide because of depression. At that time, Lu Wei was standing downstairs and witnessed the **** scene.

When the old man arrived, he would shake his whole body like sieve chaff, and stiff as a rock, and he would like to return to his old house with a road crisis.

Now after many years of convalescence, it finally gradually returned to normal.

Of course, it's just normal appearance.

Lu Wei was reluctant to communicate with any stranger or to make friends. In school, even if those people wanted to be friends with him, he didn't say a word.

Later, Mr. Lu followed the doctor's advice, changed the life environment for Lu Wei, and finally came to this school.

The teachers in the school greeted everyone, even if he went to sleep in class, no one would control him.



Su Kui lifted her small face, and the cold snow hit her face. When she met the temperature, it quickly melted and turned into a small water stain.

Tong Xiang was stunned, his footsteps slowed down, and finally he stopped, reaching for a snowflake.

It's really snowing

This is when she was born again and saw snow once again.

The mist blowing out of the breath carried moisture, and the air inhaled into the lungs was so cold.

To make Tong Xiang sober, she realized that she was really born again.

In this life, everything has become different.

She left the small village where she wanted to leave her dream, and became a city dweller. Her parents broke up with her grandparents for her, even threatened to sever ties.

in fact--

Parents love her too, right?

But why did she leave her alone in the country for so many years?

This is something Tong Xiang can't always relieve, and she spit out a sigh of air. She looked at the sky obscured by the dark clouds. For the time being, maybe one day, she can be relieved.

"Hurry up! The snow is too heavy and the clothes are getting wet!"

With a soft waxy voice, she yelled at her eagerly, and Tong Xiang suddenly recovered, raising her eyes and seeing a group of **** running like a figure.


She bent her lips, responded, stepped her legs, and ran along.

The cold wind scraped her cheeks, cold, but Tong Xiang liked this feeling, which proved that she was still alive.

There was heavy snow ahead, and there seemed to be a lot of buzz about it. There was her home and her new future.


"Come back? Hurry up, wash your hands and eat!"

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