Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

As the heroine, she has outstanding abilities and tenacious and cold personality, and it is certainly impossible to have a soft spot for a man.

Therefore, this is an np world.

The hostess will have n more harems.

Up to immortals, down to demons, and humans.

It's so outrageous.

This time the Lingxian faction will come to this small town because it is shown on the heavenly board that a different treasure will be born soon. So during this time, even ordinary people noticed that one after another, in this small town, there were so many people who looked at the immortals who were not ordinary people.

"Huh? Lingxian School?" Shen Buwang frowned, wondering: "Why are these people coming here? Could it be--"

"Do you know Lingxian School?"

This is surprising. Su Kui thought that Shen Buwang was just an ordinary talented Taoist. He didn't expect that as soon as he exited, Dao broke the identity of a group of people downstairs.

Shen Wuwang nodded and pointed to a group of people in white who stopped at the entrance of the teahouse, saying: "I had the luck to meet and have learned some legends about the Lingxian School before traveling. See, the disciples in the martial arts all have a temperament, good looks and good spirits.

Listening to Shen Don't forget to praise them this way, Su Kui actually laughed, "You also want to be immortal?"

Shen Wuwang listened to Su Kui's words, and then nodded and shook his head. Su Kui saw him like this, and asked him why.

Shen Buwang replied: "The road to cultivation of immortality is too long, and requires a very strong mentality, but also to withstand loneliness. I am used to walking idle all the way, seeing the scenery along the way, or listening to local people to talk about The legend there is uncomfortable. If I change a living method, I'm afraid I won't get used to it. "

His eyebrows were clear and his eyes were clear and clear, and he habitually looked at each other when he spoke, making people feel respected.

His eyes were too serious, and he didn't seem to be hypocritical.

"Well, like this? What if I say, I want to be a fairy?"

Shen Wuwang smiled bitterly, "I know, from your eyes, you can see that you are definitely not willing to be mediocre." But I may be able to be a drop in the sea in your long memory.

Su Kui smiled, "At that time, I will accept you as a small pal next to me, OK?"


Shen Wu forgets to laugh, "Good." The language is gentle and spoiling.

There were gentleness in the eyes that neither one had ever noticed.

During the talk, the group of people had already entered the teahouse, and the little men were leading the horses to the stables for feeding.

For a while, neither of them spoke again. Su Kui drank her tea and drew a dark light under her eyes.

This time when the treasure was born, all those who cultivated immortals only knew the beautiful and splendid sky when the treasure was born.

But as an outsider in this world, Su Kui could not be more clear.

She tickled her lips, and her eyes were bound to get the power of this treasure.

This thing, in the original track, will be taken by the hostess.

Because, this thing is part of the Lingquan.

The birth of a different treasure, the illusion opens, and with the birth of a different treasure, there are many treasures that are hard to find.

At that time, all the martial arts looked at each other as if they were thorns in their eyes, fearing that the other party would get the treasure before them.

The most precious treasure in the illusion is a practice called "Floating Light", which complements the Lingquan.

With these two practices, it will do more with less.

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