Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

This is why a phoenix born with an immortal bone and cultivated talents is ultimately defeated by Mo Wang.

In addition to the aura of the heroine on her body, there is also a part of the reason that she has two treasures of "Floating Light" and Lingquan.

Su Kui hooked her lips. In this life, she had to grab everything the mistress had.

For the task, I am really embarrassed--

Shen Wuwang raised her head by accident, only to have time to see the unpredictable look on her face, and the complex emotions secretly in her eyes, so that he could not help shaking, heart said, this phoenix especially loves revenge, it is best not It is wonderful to provoke her.


For humans, the second day of June is a big day.

The sky descended auspiciously, and the ray of light was vast, as if the true **** had come.

Humans who believe in the true God have bowed to the sky, praying for the good weather in the coming year, and keeping their families healthy.

On this day, on the outskirts of Jinshui Town, far away from the circle of human habitation, above the top of a mountain, the light shines most.

At this moment, from all directions, all the cultivators of various schools, even demon repairs, ghost repairs, etc., all gathered here, just to wait for the illusion to open, so that the first to rush in and **** the unparalleled treasure.

Su Kuiyin was among the crowd, and she was exceptionally low-key among the immortal cultivators with outstanding talents around her. She was almost hidden in the crowd.

Come today, Rao is Tao Yao's stalker, and Su Kui does not nod to bring her.

It is really dangerous in the illusion. She may be unable to protect herself by herself, and she cannot protect the playful Tao Yao.

If she walks in and breaks up with her, and meets other immortal practitioners, she might be killed and treasured.

Even if there is no treasure on her body, in order to fight for one less person, those people will not care how many lives are contaminated in their hands, just remember to start with the strong first.

Su Kui shut her in the inn and even arranged a layer of enchantment on the outside in case of fear, in case Tao Yao was disobedient and ran towards here.

The vision of heaven, no matter what kind of demons and ghosts, all come together and want to share a piece of soup.

"Changan, are you really going in?"

Shen Wuwang frowned, his hands clasped with the beads that Master had left him, and looked around at a group of fierce, evil-eyed people, with anxiety in his heart.

If possible, he did not want Su Kui to be in danger.

But he didn't speak straight, because he knew clearly, no matter what he said, she couldn't stop the woman around her. She wanted to live forever, and it was a must for Cheng Xian.

Helpless, he had to follow her, even if he couldn't help, he had to watch her with his own eyes.

In fact, deep in his heart, there is a thought he dare not think about.

That is: since ancient times, immortal cultivators have been killing people and robbing treasures everywhere. Whenever the sky falls, the treasure is born, and it must be accompanied by a **** storm.

He was afraid, afraid of not paying attention, this phoenix had no feathers left.

Hearing this, carelessly peachy eyes glanced at Shen Do not forget, Su Kui's red lips picked up, "Since you want to go in, you can follow, don't lose it. If I die, remember to collect my corpse ! "

Her eyes flashed for a moment, and she looked at Shen Wuwang's eyes, making him feel that the other party seemed to understand everything he thought.

With a frown, he squinted away from her line of sight, "Don't talk nonsense, you will come out safely, and Tao Yao is still waiting for you."

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