Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!


The final result is too easy to guess!

The man smiled gigglingly, and looked very frivolous.

"Since you are right, come in!"

Su Kui sneered in his heart, this man actually took her as a seller? ?

The face was silent, pretending not to understand, and shy with a small face, followed with a low eyebrow.

The man closed the door and took Su Kui to the corner of the person who was sitting in the corner with a smile. Su Kui didn't have time to speak before the man actually grabbed her arm and pushed her into Jiang. In the arms of the maid.

"Ah ..." Su Kui exclaimed softly.

The liquor spilled out, making Su Kui's school uniform jacket wet immediately.

Jiang Ao had drunk at this time, and was impatient, but the man above him was still talking proudly, "Jiang Shao, this girl said he came to you. This, this is probably your little lover Right? Hey, hey ... "

The man turned his head and blinked at some friends. In exchange for their hey hey expressions, everything is silent.

"Jiang Shao likes to say this early, we are not good at all, this kind of student girl still catches a lot!"

Jiang Ai didn't hear what the man said. His eyes narrowed. The conditioned reflex pushed the man in his arms, even ignoring the taste and feel of the mature woman.

Su Kui sat on the ground all at once, his waist hit the short table, and tears burst into pain.

Jiang Ao never thought that Su Kui would come over. This kind of place was not suitable for her. Maybe she would not set foot here in this life.

Jiang Ai thought this way, so the behavior at that moment was completely instinctive, and she never thought about it.

Until there was a trembling sound, the kitten seemed to whisper, so Jiang Ai's muddy brain suddenly woke up.

"Second Uncle ..."

Jiang Yao shivered, shook his head, and looked intently at the ground. With just one glance, Jiang Ai was dumb for a moment.

How is she?

How could she be? What is she doing here? Who brought her, actually found here!

Between the electric light and the flint, Jiang Ai didn't know whether she was happy or angry in her heart, and thought a lot in her mind.

There was a mess around, and when Jiang Ai pushed away the girl, she laughed ridiculously.

At this time, with the girl's weak cry, Jiang Ai felt her heart pumping.

"Shut up! Turn off the music, fuck! What is it all about!"

Jiang Ao was angry, and no one dared to follow. The person closest to the song-selling station turned off the music directly. The others were stunned for a while, but they dared not laugh anymore.

The man who brought Su Kui at the moment turned on the headlights with a slow half-shot, and there was a feeling of panic in his heart.

Did he admit the wrong person?

The lights were bright and dazzling. Aunt Jiang drank a lot of wine, and Phoenix eyes narrowed slightly. He stood up from the sofa and pulled up the girl who was sitting on the carpet.

"What are you doing here? Why are you crying? You hurt?"

Jiang's tone was full of impatience, but the rest of them listened, and always felt Jiang's tone, with a touch of softness that never easily showed.

"Woo ... hurt ..."

The girl's eyes were filled with two tears, and she was about to cry, as if she was accusing Jiangmao of being evil.

Aunt Jiang was big and bored.

Pulling the girl into her arms, "Where does it hurt? Deserve it! If you don't come home from school, are you afraid of being abducted?"

As she said, she raised her hand and rubbed the place where she was hit.

Su Kui gasped in pain, "Come to the second uncle."

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