Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Jiang Ai's throat shrugged, and he was choked.

After a while, he slowly spit out a sentence, "Is there anything urgent, must come here to find me?"

With that said, he glared disappointedly at the crowd around him, especially focusing on the man who took Su Kui in and pushed her into his arms.

Wrongly gritted his teeth and threw a sentence, "Qian San'er, you are waiting for me!"

Having said that, he pulled Su Kui out of the house.

Su Kui hadn't had time to react. She seemed to be a marionette. He followed Jiang Ai, but she was struck against the wall. Su Kui raised her head in panic and looked at her hands on top of her head. He just happened to ring her in the arms of Jiang Ai. , A little confused.

"Second, second uncle ... are you angry?"

This posture is too ambiguous. Jiang Ai just needs to bow her head to kiss the girl's pink lips.

Jiang Huai was badly corrupted. On the one hand, he was annoyed that he had injured Su Kui just by mistake, and on the other hand, he was also annoyed that Su Kui saw his gloomy side.

He pressed his eyebrows and really wanted to pick up the girl who was looking at him with a pair of innocent cats in his eyes!

But in my heart, what I want to clean up more is the man who brought the girl!

"Speak, who brought you here." Jiang Ai took a deep breath and told herself to be calm.

The next second, Gong Qing walked out of the restroom comfortably, dragging his trouser belt toward the box side.

As a result, he just walked out and waited for a moment when he saw a pair of men and women familiar with him in front.

Be good, what is the situation?


Such an ambiguous posture does not seem to be an uncle-nephew relationship!

Gong Qingmo rubbed his chin, his eyes shone slightly, and suddenly remembered what Jiang Ai had drunk and said to him.

Many years younger than him, still studying, not very young--


The more Gong Qing pondered, the brighter his eyes became, and after he had put Jiang Kui's words completely on the line with Su Kui, his eyes were already bright like light bulbs!

He strode over with excitement and slapped Jiang Ai on the shoulder. "Lying trough! Brother, you can do it so quickly. Get the girl right? Real beast, people seem to be underage!"

The words fell, and the air was quiet for an instant.

Gong Qing faintly noticed something was wrong, he shook his body a bit, strangely said: "Where did the cold wind come from, how did it feel suddenly cold?"

He also rubbed his arm.

At the next moment, Jiangmao sneered and turned her head, a face as delicate as God's elaborate face, gloomy.

"Gong Qing, you come with me."

After he finished talking, he patted Su Kui's head, "Wait here, wait for me, don't see me, don't allow anyone to talk, do you hear me?"

The good-looking phoenix stared at Su Kui, and she had to nod her head badly.

A little face of the girl, already like cooked shrimp, red blood.

She lowered her small head, her eyes closed, her voice was pitiful, trembling, "Know, know ..."

Live away a frightened little white rabbit.

However, no one noticed at all that a pair of excitement and wickedness suddenly rose in the eyes of the pair of clean and clear autumn eyes.

When Jiang Ai got Su Kui, she walked towards the bathroom without looking back.

Gong Qing is strange. Although he noticed something wrong, he was so nervous that he didn't even notice it. Jiang Ai was having an opinion.

So, even if he was unwilling, it was clear that he had just come out of the bathroom, and he had to go in again.

He is not wrong!

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