Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"But it is also the eldest girl deserving ... She has been arrogant in the house for so long, which of these girls has not been bullied by her? It is said that the eldest girl was thrown into the ice lake before the five girls! Although the tone is below It ’s hard to hide, it ’s just that it ’s the girl ’s own brain that does n’t make it fall. In my opinion, 80% is the girl ’s intention! How could the girl be so stupid, jump in, do n’t kill yourself! ”

Zhu Yan put his hands in his sleeves and stretched his neck to look in the direction of Hanzhangyuan, his mouth chattering.

Xiao Mo nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I think the five girls are smart, probably they weren't favored and low-key before. They were rumored to be like that, and lost half their lives. The five girls finally realized that they would be blessed by misfortune."

The two of them discussed it by themselves, not even noticing that the man on their side was cold for a while.

Huo Xue?

Huo Yanzhi rubbed his fingers, squinting his phoenix, thoughtfully.

"Hou Ye can be in Fufu?"

He seemed to ask casually, but the next second, he didn't know where to suddenly emerge from a type of ordinary men's clothing, and his appearance was of a type that he could not recognize in the crowd.

The man appeared neatly, stepping on the snow without showing any sound.

"If I go back to Master, Hou Ye was invited to Shangshufu this morning, and he hasn't returned home yet."

"Is it?" He smiled. "Send someone to invite us. Don't let our Houye get drunk and die in gentle township. It's time to ask him to teach his daughter."

The man nodded immediately, and went silently as he had come.

Xiao Mo and Zhu Yan have long been used to this scene.

Around the master, many people can appear at any time without knowing it, bringing any news that their master wants.

On weekdays, Xiao Mo and Zhu Yan sometimes see them in the house.

They are just like ordinary laymen, with names, family members, and a background that does not leak. It's perfect, it makes people feel weird ...

What does Huo Yanzhi mean ...

The two of them seemed to think of something and shook them in unison.

The master seems to be angry, is it what they said that they should not say? Didn't say anything? It seems that only the big girl threw the five girls into the ice lake ...

and many more……

Ice lake? !

by! !

Zhu Yan and Xiao Mo reacted at the same time, looking at each other, shocked! Sure enough! !

Their master has made it clear that he will intervene in this matter! !

Over there, Huo Yanzhi had already stepped up to Shi Shiran and went to Hanyuan.

When Xiao Mo and Zhu Yan recovered, the tall and long man's back almost disappeared in the snow.

"Master, you wait for us !!!"

The two yelled and rushed to catch up.



Fortunately, the timely discovery, coupled with the cold weather, did not accelerate blood loss.

Huo Qing wounded his head in the back of his head and went up an inch, fearing that his life would be in danger.

After the doctor came to bandage her, she went to prescribe medicine. Su Kui ordered Qing Ma's mother to take Huo Qing's medicine. After all, he was an old man in the house and he had to be more careful in his work.

Aunt Huo Qing's aunt Bai heard the news and rushed nonstop.

She didn't even take the cloak. Her thin body was consistent with Huo Qing. She cried out of breath, but when she learned that Huo Qing was fine, the force she supported suddenly relaxed, and she sat down on the ground.

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