Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Start crying.

Su Kui was so disturbed by her headache that she said impatiently: "Shut up!"

The girl's voice was clear, and there was a chill in her eyes. Aunt Bai shuddered violently, even holding back.

"Don't cry!" Su Kui said again, she pursed her lips and looked at Huo Qing in bed anxiously, "Your daughter is still lying in bed, waiting for you to do justice for her. If you cry yourself , Don't expect others to help you! "

She pointedly looked at Huo Xue, who was being held aside, suggesting that the meaning was not too obvious.

Aunt Bai has lived in the house for many years, standing upright, and she can be loved by Anlehou from time to time.

Want to know that she is not ordinary, certainly not as weak as he looks.

Su Kui only needs to be reminded, and Huo Xue will have someone to rush to clean up.

Aunt Bai, the daughter of Huo Qing, was completely hurt when she was born and could no longer have children. It can be said that Huo Qing is her eyeball. If anyone hurts Huo Qing half a point, Su Kui does not believe that she will persevere.

Huo Xue received Su Kui's eyes and stared at her with dissatisfaction. "Huo Yan, what do you mean? What do you look at me? Since Huo Qing is fine, can I go now?"

I don't know why, Huo Xue's eyelids have been jumping since he came in. The bad hunch in my heart is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that as long as she leaves this place quickly, waiting for her result must not be what she wants to see.

Su Kui smiled ingeniously, blinking innocently with big eyes. "What the elder sister is saying, but the four sisters haven't woken up yet. Who knows whether there will be other accidents after waking up. After all, I was injured. But the head, in this world, I do n’t know how many people have bruises because they hurt their heads, and they eventually become fools ... oops ... "

She had just finished speaking, and suddenly slapped her mouth in a pretentious manner, frowning her eyebrows in annoyance. , Don't blame me! "

Aunt Bai wiped away her tears and glanced at Su Kui, who smiled brightly.

But she didn't see the slightest worry about Huo Qing from her face.

Such a cool-hearted, sophistry girl, if her Qinger can get half of her, how could Huo Xue be bullied by this kind of share?

She knew that Su Kui's words reminded her.

However, what she said was also true. When it hurt her head, Huo Qing was inherently deficient, and her body fell from her mother's womb. If it is really like Su Kui said, there is congestion in the brain, and it hurts intelligence-

"Huo Xue! You harm me Qing'er, I can't spare you! Ooo ..."

Aunt Bai had just wiped her tears, and turned to Huo Xue crying again.

She made the image of a mother who was greatly stimulated by her daughter's uncertain life and death, and her sharp nails directly scratched Huo Xue's flowery face.

Su Kui had already applauded Xiaohe Qingyue, and at the moment Aunt Bai rushed past, the two of them immediately released.

Huo Xue had a pain in his face, and there was cruelty in his eyes, "Bitch !!! Do you dare to hurt my face? Ahhhh I killed you !!!"

The most important thing for a girl is her own face, not to mention that she is thinking of marrying into the royal family in the future. Naturally, looking at your face is more important than life.

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