Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

In the end, the Hanzhaoyuan made a personal comeback.

If it weren't for the eldest lady's begging, Anlehou was dizzy and almost sent someone to send Huo Xue to Antang as his aunt.

But in the end, she wasn't much better.

First, the big lady had a heavy bleeding, which compensated many things and money of Aunt Bai.

Even including Huo Qing's follow-up tonic medicines, all by her.

This is not counted. As for Huo Qing, she was punished to kneel down to pray for Huo Qing, that is to say, when Huo Qing woke up and when she could stand.

If Huo Qing had an accident, she didn't have to live.

Wait for Anle Hou to wake up and say that it doesn't feel distressed. It's fake, and there is some regret. Do you think it's too heavy to punish Huo Xue? In the final analysis, the other daughters are just girls. But Huo Xue is his only daughter-in-law and his sister-in-law's sister. He also signed a marriage contract with the six princes, and the future will bring more benefits than these women can bring him.

From an early age, Anlehou always regarded her as a pain in her eyes, always responsive.

So she developed her arrogant character.

Originally he thought about what he meant, let Huo Xue kneel in the Buddhist temple for a day, and then made an excuse to let her go back to the wall and think about it.

The Buddhist temple is so cold, it is now the twelfth lunar month, and it will be New Year's Eve in two days. If the cold hits, if you really kneel for so long, you may not be able to fall into the root cause.

But when An Hou thought about Huo Xue, he never thought about it. Huo Yan fell into the ice lake in the winter.

Why haven't you thought about your other daughter's health?

If Huo Yanzhi had thought of this, she often sent her various tonics, and Huo Yan was young and had quick repair ability.

I'm afraid it will really suffer.

But in the end, Anlehou didn't do what he wanted, because the old lady didn't know what happened and knew about it.

In fact, Su Kui's orders were just casual.

In this house, I am afraid that the eyes of the old lady are all over. She seemed to retreat behind the scenes, ignoring everything. But what is there in the house that can hide her eyes?

The old lady was angry and thundered, and no one dared to object.

Therefore, this time Huo Xue was kneeling down in the temple.

And because the old lady sent a powerful grandma to watch in person, Huo Xue just wanted to be lazy, and had no chance.

Now, she can only secretly pray in her heart, Huo Qing woke up early.


Huo Yanzhi's study.

He smiled and looked at the little girl who ran to him since he came back, his eyes spoiled.

"Why, what did you give me this time?"

Su Kui touched his nose, ridiculed him, and pouted, "Five Uncles forgot, I said I had something good for you!"

"Huh? What?"

Huo Yanzhi didn't take it seriously, but he couldn't wait to show him any ‘good things’ for the little girl, and he was very helpful.

Then he saw the little girl mysteriously brought out something from the box he brought.

All are small exquisite porcelain bottles.

Different from what Huo Qing took away last time, this time, the porcelain bottles are also painted with beautiful patterns.

"what is this?"

Huo Yan came the spirit.

However, Su Kui sold a pass. She pointed her finger at herself and smiled and asked Huo Yanzhi, "Look at Wushu first, what will happen to me today?"


Huo Yan was stunned, squinting and looking at it.

Just when the sunlight from the window jumped in and landed on the little girl's fair-white little jade face, a little rouge was applied to the corners of the eyes, the skin was white with powder, the moist lips were slightly raised, and the red color made Huo Yanzhi's heartless heart moved .

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