Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

"Five Uncles?"

Huo Yanzhi suddenly looked back, and looked curiously at the girl.

He smiled, "Little Five has grown up and knows to dress up."

Su Kui: "..."

"that's it?"

What a straight man! Wouldn't it be praised by her? !

System: [Host, calm down, you are not a real baby anymore. 】

So Su Kui became more angry.

Huo Yanzhi didn't understand why the young girl's small face fell down in an instant, and he reached for the porcelain bottle on the table.

Then she was grasped by the girl's soft hand and refused firmly.

"Uncle Wu, are you sure you are done?"

Her big eyes were shining brightly, and she stared straight at him, her mouth bulging, obviously holding her breath.

Huo Yan's headache, he has never had the experience of coaxing children since childhood.

Yes, in front of his eyes, this little girl is still a child who has not grown up.

He couldn't really understand the girl's thoughts, especially she was still so eccentric, and small ideas came out one by one, making him unpredictable.

Su Kui hummed, turned over the performance and muttered: "Five Uncles did not praise me for being pretty."

Looking at the girl's cheeks like a frog, Huo Yanzhi suddenly realized that he shook his head and smiled.

The index finger nodded her, "Well, it's Wushu's fault. Wushu won't speak, will he?"

There is no way but to admit fate.

Su Kui spread his hand, "You can start your praise for those five uncles."

"good looking."

"Ok, I know."


"of course."

"Qingguo Qingcheng."

"anything else?"

Su Kui is waiting, and then it is cold ...

Huo Yan's wry smile, "Little ancestor, you will spare me!"

Qingguo Qingcheng still can't satisfy her, does she still want to be a fairy?

Seeing that he was really not a boast, Su Kui barely let him go, pushed things in front of him, and opened them one by one to introduce him.

"Five Uncles, these are all researched by me. Do you think they can be sold?"

Huo Yanzhi stared at the finger playing with the small porcelain bottle, and his fingers were as slim as jade, which was particularly beautiful.

Wen Yan raised her eyebrows, "Are you short of money? Wushu has ..."

"Oh no!" Su Kuitou said, "Isn't it because Wu Shu said he likes to make money? I'm working hard to replace money in Wu Shu's mind."

Huo Yanzhi sighed and continued to listen to her.

What he didn't say is that in his mind, money is never the most important.

It was not before, but now it is nothing compared to her.

Su Kui started to give Huo Yan's introduction happily. When he was interested, he would use it by himself and show Huo Yanzhi the most intuitive effect.

"Wushuwushu, do you think this color is particularly beautiful? Especially suitable for the New Year ~ I will use this on New Year's Eve, OK?"

Huo Yanzhi didn't think much about it. It was normal for girls to like to study these rouge gouaches.

Originally he listened casually, but with the girl's serious voice and very structured narrative, he gradually made his look serious.

Started to listen to Su Kui's suggestions.

In the end, Huo Yanzhi and began to think about the feasibility of these fat powders.

The final decision is: very feasible!

After all, the rare things he brought back from the sea were often women.

The financial resources in their hands and the pursuit of beauty are far from being imagined by ordinary people.

Hearing Su Kui seriously about making money, he touched her head, "Well, if you make money, will you give it to you?"

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