Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

As soon as he finished speaking, Huo Yanzhi gave him a cold glance.

Xiao Mo's neck was cold and stiff, and he could not say anything.

Huo Yanzhi chuckled, "It's okay, I will compensate her better in the future."

Moreover, when he is strong enough, where else dares to spread gossip about him?

Xiao Mo didn't know what their master had figured out, and could only miserate in his heart.

And looking at the expression of the master, I am afraid that the old lady could not change his mind.

At this moment, Zhu Yan seemed to rush in. "Master! Good news! Good news !!!"

Xiao Mo frowned, watching Zhu Yan startled, "What good news, can you speak clearly?"

"Five girls ... five girls she--" Zhu Yan gasped violently. He first came back from the old lady in one step. He didn't even take a rest along the way. At this time, his speech was incomplete.

In addition, he was so excited that he blushed.

But a sentence of five girls is enough to attract Huo Yanzhi's attention.

"Little Five? What happened to her?"

good news? Huo Yan's eyes are cold, what good news can there be?

At this moment, just listen to the familiar voice from outside, sweet and soft, as if wrapped in honey.

Just like the tone in his midnight dream.

"Little Five ?!"

During the speech, the footsteps outside were getting closer and closer, and soon came in.

The girl wore a pink undershirt skirt, and the large skirt wobbled slightly during walking, like a blooming flower.

"Uncle Wu, you're awake? What did you do to hurry back in such a hurry? Even if you don't want to think about yourself, you have to think about the old lady?"

The girl's voice was blaming, and he frowned at him.

The old lady wiped the corners of her red eyes, and her face was a little bit harsh. "Little Five is right! If you have an accident, how can I live?"

Moreover, if something happened to Huo Yanzhi, then the good life in Anlehou was really over.

Huo Yanzhi came in from the girl, and his eyes were glued tightly on her body, unwilling to move away.

"Am I dreaming?"

Otherwise, why would he see Xiao Wu, who was already married as a woman, with her hair still in the bun of a girl, looking at him with a smile?

Sure enough, he thought too much, right?

With such a thought, Huo Yan's expression was somewhat sullen.

He took it for granted. Since Xiaowu was willing to marry, he was also extremely satisfied with the husband's family.

What if she doesn't want to come back?

Su Kui looked at Huo Yanzhi's expression and froze for a moment.

The system was in her mind: "Oh, sin, look at the good people, what are you trying to do!" 】

Su Kui suddenly realized this. It turned out that Huo Yanzhi even thought that what he saw was an illusion?

The old lady ordered the doctor to check Huo Yanzhi again, frowning at the words, "What are you talking about, Bai Qing? What dreams do not dream! Can't be like this later!"

Huo Yan smiled bitterly, "Aren't Xiaowu married?"

Xiao Mo, Zhu Yan: "..."

Zhu Yan smirked in his head, "Master, I just wanted to say that our news was wrong. It wasn't five girls, but four girls!"

Four girls?

Huo Yan remembered the names of the four girls for a while, "Huo Qing?"

Zhu Yan nodded again and again, "Yes, yes!"

After the great compassion, it was overjoyed.

Huo Yanzhi's eyes landed on Su Kui hot, and she couldn't help but take two steps back.

Shining eyes fell on him, without the slightest attachment.

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