Biquge, the fastest update fast wear female match: male god, addictive latest chapter!

Huo Yan felt a pain in his heart.

But thinking that he still had a chance, Xiaowu didn't marry, and these trivial sourness was nothing.

"What the fifth uncle is talking about? I want to accompany the old lady as much as possible, naturally it is impossible to marry someone!"

It turned out that when I prayed for blessings on the mountain, the son of the servant's servant Lang family actually fell in love with Huo Qing. Moreover, Su Kui itself is agitating Huo Yan, and has no intention to disturb the marriage.

The old lady was so furious that she even turned away Han's who came to apologize.

However, under Su Kui's persuasion, the old lady still accepted the matter.

Su Kui originally intended to stimulate Huo Yanzhi so that he could see his heart clearly. Therefore, Su Kui could not agree to this marriage. Since that person had taken Huo Qing, Huo Qing had no opinion about it. Su Kui naturally loved the beauty of adults.

At first, the old lady had a deep opinion on Huo Qing, believing that she destroyed Su Kui's marriage.

Huo Qing didn't even dare to go to the old lady in those days, fearing that she would be angry.

Afterwards, Su Kui explained that he couldn't look down on the man, didn't feel anything about him, and wanted to accompany the old lady more.

The old lady was relieved.

So, the last one married was Huo Qing.

Fortunately, this was originally done in private, but it didn't hinder anyone's reputation.

It was just that when sending news to Zhu Yan, Su Kui quietly used some means to let Huo Yan think that he was the one who married.

But now, looking at Huo Yanzhi's apparently thin body, Su Kui slightly regretted it. If I knew it, I wouldn't stimulate him deliberately. It was a big deal. I rushed over and confessed to him personally!

This is the end of the matter.

Huo Yanzhi smiled lowly and gave Su Kui a deep look, "This is very good."

His unclear words caused the old lady to stare at him.

Huo Yanzhi repeatedly accused the crime, coaxing the old lady to be happy again. The old lady was old and could not stand the toss. When Huo Yanzhi woke up, she felt relieved.

He was helped back to his yard by his men.

The room was empty for a while.

Zhu Yan and Xiao Mo left interestingly.

Huo Yanzhi stretched out his hand, the hand had distinct knuckles, and his fingers were slightly slender with a thin cocoon.

"Little Five, come here."

Su Kui walked past obediently, and put a small hand on his palm.

It was held almost instantly.

Huo Yan looked at her up and down, and she only had the joy of regaining her heart.

Unable to hold back, he made the extraordinary move for the first time in his life and yanked the girl into his arms.


The girl looked up in panic.

Huo Yan's throat knotted, and he asked in a deep voice, "Little Five, do you remember what you wrote in the letter?"

Su Kui looked away, "Which letter did Wushu refer to? I thought Wushu had never read my letter, otherwise, why could he walk cruelly for half a year, but he refused to return a letter to me? What about? "

Faced with the girl's complaint, Huo Yanzhi was dumbfounded.

He closed his eyes, a little weak, "I'm sorry, it's countless wrongs."

Su Kui groaned, "Then Wu Shu also saw it? The sentence of holding hands and growing old, I remember that Wu Shu taught me to write."

Huo Yan's heart couldn't help but tense, he fixed his gaze on the girl, almost asking urgently, "Then Xiaowu told Wushu, what does that mean?"

Is that what he thought?

Going around, almost driving him crazy.

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